Male Pride

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Chapter 35

Kris felt her heart speed up when the door opened to reveal Genesis. The Crimson Commander wasn't smiling, however. His gaze softened when he caught her eyes, but he was frowning when he turned to Sephiroth. "I had hoped that you would speak to me before you spoke to Kristobel, and yet I hadn't known she was here until I happened to hear she was in your office in passing."

Kris had to bite her cheek when she saw Sephiroth's eye twitch. She could almost picture him rolling his eyes at Genesis' dramatics. She wanted to give him kudos when he kept a straight face as he answered. "I didn't feel it was necessary, as it is her decision to make."

He then turned from Genesis and focused on Kris. "Please feel free to take your time to decide. I understand it is probably unexpected."

Kris stood with a grin and shook her head. "That's okay. I think this could be a great opportunity. It actually sounds fun. When do you want me to start?"

Both men stared at her in shock. Genesis had no idea what she had just agreed to, but he knew it had to have something to do with Soldier, and there was no way that could be good. Sephiroth was simply shocked that she had agreed so quickly.

Sephiroth recovered swiftly, though, and gave her a smile that could almost be considered a grin. "Next week. I know Monday and Friday will not work, so how does Tuesday and Thursday sound? The class can start at whatever hour you feel is best."

Kris gave him a nod. "That sounds great. I'm usually up early, so we can start at 08:00. Unless that's too early."

Sephiroth held out his hand, and Kris took it so they could shake. "That is perfect. I will meet you here a little early on Tuesday morning to take care of all the paperwork and introduce you to your new students."

She flashed him a grin. "Great! I'll see you at 07:30 then!"

When she turned to Genesis, she could tell that he was still fighting to hold his tongue, but she was thankful when he merely opened the door for her. When they were in the hall, he gestured for her to follow him into an office down the hall. She noted that it was two down from Sephiroth's and next to Angeal's. That put Angeal right in the middle. It was a humorous thought, but it was fleeting as Genesis closed the door.

She was just glad that he waited until the door clicked shut before he said anything. "From what I gathered, am I to understand that you are now a Shinra employee, despite your protests that you did not want to be?"

Kris felt her enthusiasm wane slightly, but it was momentary. She gave him a hard look. "I said that I didn't think I would fit in the military. I was asked to be a consultant a couple days a week and teach hand-to-hand. I will not be directly answerable to anyone other than Sephiroth, and I have the authority to handle misbehavers. I won't actually be part of the military. I think it's a good deal."

They stared at each other in silence for several moments after her declaration. Finally, Genesis shook his head with a wry grin and took her hands with a gentle squeeze. "I suppose I should thank Sephiroth for the opportunity to see you more often."

Kris wasn't sure how to react. After his little mini-tantrum, she had expected a different answer. Her brows drew down in a slight frown. "That's it? After all that, you're just glad to have time to see me more?"

He gave a little shrug. "It is not my decision to make. Besides, I believe your assessment was correct. Plus, it is an excellent opportunity for me."

Kris still didn't look convinced. "Then why did you yell at Sephiroth?"

He gave her a smirk. "I simply did not like the fact that he felt the need to speak with you and not at least inform me that you were here." He then lifted one of her hands and brushed his lips across her knuckles. "I had also hoped that you would have come to see me first. Call it male pride."

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