Enter the Gunman

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Chapter 76

The winding stairway was narrow, and the only light came from the room they had just left. That meant they were all in single-file as they headed deeper into the darkness. Zack was in front with Kris behind him, then came Reno, and Rude was taking up the back. None of them looked happy with the circumstances, especially as the smell wafting up to them was foul enough to have Reno wondering if he didn't want to take his chances with the possessed Soldier.

Kris was doing her best not to gag as she kept a hand on her brother's back. She could see the steps well enough to navigate, but if there were any trip hazards, it would be too dark to notice before it was too late. She concentrated on her feet to try and block out all the rest.

They all paused at the bottom of the stairs since the tunnel was completely dark. It was as Reno was pulling out his phone to use as a light that they all nearly jumped out of their skin at the sound of crashing that echoed down to them. Reno cursed under his breath, but Kris just pinned them all with a haunted look. They didn't need to hear the furniture crashing against the wall to know that Angeal was clearing the blockade.

Kris grabbed Zack's hand and started trying to run. "We're out of time!"

The phone light Reno held up, barely helped to keep them from running headfirst into a nightmare. Much to Kris' shock, Zack cursed as he pushed her behind him. He rarely cursed. He then called back over his shoulder as he pulled his sword out. "Rude, grab her. She won't be able to run fast enough."

Kris wanted to object, but she bit her tongue as Rude swept her up. Her brother had been correct. Thankfully it only took Zack a moment to slice through the thing that had attacked them. Kris had to put a hand over her mouth to keep her food down. The other she used to cling to Rude as they started running again. They could all hear the heavy footfalls behind them getting closer.

After a few moments of running, Zack looked over at Kris. "What are we looking for?"

She swallowed the bile that was threatening to come up before she breathlessly answered. "There should be a door on one side up here soon. If you reach the one at the end, we've gone too far."

He gave her a look like she had lost her mind, and she could feel the stares coming from the others. Luckily, it wasn't much longer before they nearly ran past what they were looking for. The pale light caught on the metal of the knob and caught Kris' attention. She yelled out. "Here!"

Zack skidded to a halt, as did Rude and Reno. Kris groaned at the feeling that accompanied the sharp action. Her abdomen was already sore from trying to run. These kinds of activities and being pregnant did not mix well. Still, she pushed her discomfort aside as her brother turned back with a frown when the door wouldn't open. "It's locked."

Kris shook her head. "Beat it down if you have to."

Zack grimaced but did as he was told. The sound of running getting closer was more than enough motivation. It took him two strikes before the door broke from the hinges. He shoved it aside and ran in as the others followed.

As soon as they were in the room, Kris pushed against Rude's chest, and he let her down. He was too busy staring at all the coffins with the other two men. None of them knew what to think. Especially when she started yelling. "Vincent! Vincent, get your ass up, please! I'm begging, wake up!"

All three of the men had turned toward the doorway to try and brace for what was coming. They all looked at her uncomfortably, but it was the redhead that spoke what they were all thinking. "Uh, I'm not sure you wanna wake anything in here. What the hell are we doin'?"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, everyone's attention was drawn by the sound of snapping chains. Reno's eyes widened as the lid of one of the coffins raised. He stepped closer to the wall and made an indescribable noise when a body rose from beneath the open top. "What in Gaia is that!"

Kris was nearly bent double at a cramp that had passed through her abdomen. She was terrified of what was behind them, but the tears on her cheeks were from her fear for her baby. It took all she had to not start sobbing as everything seemed to crash in around her at once. It was only Vincent's voice as it cracked out into the silence that kept her focused. "Who are you? Why are you here?"

Kris managed to stand to her full, is still short, height. "Please help us. Jenova has possessed our friend, and we can't stop him alone. Please!"

Vincent's eyes raked over her tiny form before he took in the gaping expressions of the three men. He almost turned to go back into his coffin and ignore them. He had no stake in this. However, his gaze snagged on the woman's hands. They were both cupping her very apparent pregnant belly. Something in him stirred at the sight of the protective way she cradled her unborn child. It was a feeling that he had thought dead long ago. This wasn't Lucrecia, but perhaps he could help this child when he had been unable to help his love's son.

He barely gave her a nod before he moved toward the doorway. He had already heard the footfalls headed toward them. The two men in familiar suits fell back with wide eyes. However, the youngest man held his ground with a frown. "I don't know what's going on, but for now, if my sister trusts you can help us, then I will too. Angeal isn't himself, so I'd appreciate anything we can do to capture him until we can figure out how to reverse it."

Vincent wanted to sigh. He had so many questions, but the name Jenova was enough for him to put them aside until this was dealt with. He didn't say anything before he strode out of the room. He didn't even pause when the woman yelled out. "Please don't kill him! He is under Jenova's influence."

Zack rushed out behind the strange man. Both Reno and Rude hesitated. They had been given instructions to keep Kris safe, even if none of the others knew it. Going out in the hall and tackling the crazed Soldier would fall into that category, but if they fell, then she would vulnerable. It made more sense for them to wait and be backup if the other two needed it.

The weird undead man had given Reno the creeps, and he wasn't much taller, but something about him told the Turk he was better suited to handling Angeal then he and Rude were. Neither of them needed to speak to understand they came to the same conclusion. Reno gave Rude a nearly imperceptible nod, and they both grabbed Kris by the arm when she tried to pass them. She glared at them, but Reno just smirked. "Let the big guns handle this. We gotta keep you from harm, or Commander Cranky will get, well, cranky. Or crankier."

Kris huffed in frustration, but she didn't argue. She knew she would only get in the way as she was now. Still, she wasn't going to stand in the room and just listen. "Let's at least go out and see if he gets past them."

Neither of them liked the idea, but they also knew it would be best if they had a visual of what was going on. They followed her out into the hall, and Reno held up his light. The faint beam barely illuminated anything, but it was enough. Kris took an unconscious step back when the light caused Angeal's eyes to glow unnaturally. He had finally reached Zack and Vincent, but he paused before he rushed them. He may have been possessed, but apparently, even Jenova was smart enough to not jump into something without evaluation first.

Still, it was not long before he rushed to tackle Zack. He was trying to take them out one at a time, but Vincent was more than he appeared to be. He quickly had Cerberus drawn, and two shots rang out before Angeal even reached his protégé. The massive Soldier was knocked back several feet before he came up snarling. He had one hand over his shoulder, and Kris had to bite her tongue when she saw blood slip between his fingers.

She knew Angeal would heal quickly, but she hated seeing him in pain. She mentally cursed the bitch alien once more as Zack was put on the defensive again. Angeal had tried to slice both men at once. Thankfully they were both fast enough to dodge.

Kris nearly ran to her brother when his mentor tried to take off his head several more times in quick succession. She wasn't sure what she planned on doing, but she couldn't stand the sight of any of the men being hurt. She was just glad that Vincent seemed to not be shooting to kill.

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