Together Yet Apart

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Chapter 46

It had started with a simple kiss. Kris had thrown her head back and was laughing at something Genesis had said. Her lips still formed a smile when she opened her eyes to see that he had moved closer. Her mouth was suddenly dry at the look he was giving her. She licked her lips unconsciously. That motion caused a fire to light in his eyes, and before she could blink, he had cupped her face and was reminding her how easy it was to get lost in him.

He pulled her to sit in his lap, and she barely spared a thought for the fact that she was wearing a dress as she straddled his hips. It wasn't until he pulled her flush against his chest, and his heat could be felt through the thin barrier of her panties that she was reminded of that fact.

She sat back with a gasp and saw Genesis' eyes were slightly dilated as he raked them over her faintly swollen lips. His grip tightened almost reflexively before it loosened. She could hear the strain in his voice when he spoke. "It might be a good idea for me to leave soon."

Kris felt something in her snap. She had been afraid of intimacy for so long that she didn't even know where to start, but she also knew that she didn't want him to go. "Don't."

He froze for several seconds and frowned slightly. "Don't go?"

Kris swallowed heavily before she pressed herself against him again. "Don't go."

There was very little room between them, and she could feel every motion of his muscles through her dress as he shifted slightly to look her in the eyes. "Kristobel, I do not want you to feel rushed."

She laughed. She knew the timing was bad, but they had been dating for nine months. Rushed was far from what she was feeling. "Genesis, you have been more patient with me than I thought possible. I-" She couldn't quite find the words to tell him how much she had wanted him for months now, so she swallowed again and just said it. "This isn't the first time I've thought about asking you to stay. I may not know much about this kind of thing, but I know that when we are together, I feel like I could burn the world down when you touch me."

Genesis groaned and let his head fall back on the couch. If she had told him this just a few weeks ago, he would have already had her laid out beneath him and screaming his name. But it was now, and now things were different. He was different. He had to forcefully banish the image of her pale skin heating under his touch before he sat up and faced her. His jaw clenched as he tried to force the words out.

"There will be time for this when I return. I want you to have the best of everything. That includes everything we share."

She smiled softly and kissed his jaw before she lightly brushed his lips with hers. "You are the best already. I am tired of pushing you away. Please."

He would never know if it was her soft kisses or the pleading note in her voice, but before his mind could catch up, his mouth was on hers once again. A part of him knew that this was a horrible idea, but that part was drowned in the flood of desire that rushed through him when he trailed open-mouthed kisses across her jaw and down her neck. Her scent was intoxicating, and the sounds she was making were driving him mad.

His brain had still not caught up as he stood with his arms around her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he was taking her to her room. He kicked the door shut before he moved to the bed and gently laid her down. He stood and watched her flushed cheeks and the hurried movements of her chest for several seconds before he removed his duster and gloves.

Kris watched Genesis divest himself of his jacket and had to fight the urge to cover herself. She knew she was still clothed, but the images of what was to come had her breathing fast. Only a small part of it was fear.

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