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Chapter 45 

When they got to the Science Department, Kris stood to the side and allowed Sephiroth to talk to the man that was trying to keep them out. She almost felt a little sorry for him, as he was just doing as he was told. If Sephiroth noticed the way the man was trembling under his glare, he didn't allow it to convince him to relent. Any pity she felt for the man didn't show when he cast a pleading glance at her. She tried to keep her glare from being as heated as the General's, but she had a feeling she failed when the poor man paled further.

He must have finally realized the two of them weren't going anywhere until they saw Genesis for themselves, so he allowed them to enter and told them where the Commander could be found.

When they entered the room, Kris froze. Genesis was lying on a table with his shirt off and a bandage wrapped around his shoulder. Angeal was in the seat next to him with his head down in his hands. At her gasp, both men looked over to the door. She saw Genesis grimace at Sephiroth and wondered what exactly had happened.

She didn't wait for the General to move before she stepped around him and toward Genesis. His eyes widened when he finally saw her, but he looked away before she reached his side. Kris' steps faltered at that, but only for a moment. She doubted he appreciated being seen as anything less than invulnerable, so she tried not to worry about it.

She felt Sephiroth approach behind her, but she was focused on Genesis. "How are you feeling?"

She saw him flinch slightly, but only because she was watching him closely. It was several moments before he turned to look back at her. Or rather, he looked over her shoulder and pinned Sephiroth with a glare. "Quite well. Can't you tell?"

Kris had to force herself not to flinch at the acid in his words. Despite how temperamental he was being, Kris felt a knot loosen inside her. If he was well enough to be an ass, then he was better than she thought. She glanced over her shoulder quickly before she looked back to him. "Can you tell me what happened?"

He barked a bitter laugh. "Has the great General not told you?"

She glanced back again with a confused look and saw Sephiroth grimace. She then pinned Genesis with a glare. "Whatever it was, I doubt he did it on purpose. Quit being childish and tell me."

His eyes flashed at her, but she didn't back down. At the sight of it, some of the bitterness left his eyes, and he sighed. "We got a little carried away. It is nothing to worry about. I'll be fine in no time."

Despite his reassurances, Kris didn't feel like that was the whole story. She didn't press him, though. She was just glad to see that he wasn't missing a limb or something equally life-threatening.

At that point, Angeal stood and offered her the seat he had been using. "Why don't you stay for a bit. Sephiroth and I have work to get back to."

Kris gave him a thankful smile and nodded to the two men as they left. Once they were gone, Kris sat and took Genesis' unharmed hand. She smiled when he squeezed lightly.

"As much as I hate for you to see me thusly, I can admit I am glad you are here."

She laughed lightly. "You know, being injured doesn't mean you are anything less than perfect still."

He raised a brow at her choice of words. "Perfect, am I?"

Kris rolled her eyes at the suggestion in his. Still, she kissed his cheek. "Yes, perfect. At least to me." She relaxed at the sound of his laughter. It was a pleasing counterpoint to the fear she had felt.

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