Revelations of a Madman

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Chapter 85

The walk down to the basement was silent. Both Sephiroth and Vincent had things on their minds, and neither was the talkative type. They also both paused just inside the abandoned lab. Neither knew it, but they shared an odd feeling of justice as they watched Hojo inside one of the empty mako tanks. It was a fitting turn about, as both of them had been in the switched position at the hands of the mad scientist more times than either cared to remember.

The moment was broken when Hojo finally stood and turned to them with a bored expression. "I would ask if you have come to your senses. However, I have already deduced that there is little point. So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? I do not believe it is time for another meal."

The scientist then paused and seemed to realize who had come for a visit for the first time. He started cackling to the point that Sephiroth finally stepped forward and slammed his palm on the tank. "Enough. We have come to ask some questions."

Hojo wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. "Oh, I am sure you have many questions. Especially if you are with this man. However, I am not in the mood to share."

Vincent's voice was hard when he stepped forward. "I may not have been active for years, but I still have all my Turk training intact."

Hojo waved him off as he looked at Sephiroth. "Torture is such a dreary way to conduct business, don't you agree?"

Sephiroth had to fight to keep his voice calm. "I do not usually condone such methods. However, in your case, it might become necessary."

To both their shock, Hojo only laughed once again. "Why am I not surprised that you are already on the same page. I should have known better than to allow this to happen."

To their continued frustration, Hojo only turned and tapped his chin as he seemed to be talking to himself. "Perhaps it would have worked better to keep him isolated, like the others. Ah, it is too late to change now, but there is still a chance. The new child should have amazing potential. Especially if I could get the woman and breed her once again with a better specimen."

It did not take either man long to understand what he was mumbling about. Sephiroth nearly growled as he hit the tank once more. "I have heard enough! You will never get your hands on Kris or her child." He paused long enough to take a deep breath. "Now, tell us how you arrived. Did you only bring those three teens? How do you control them?"

Instead of answering, Hojo shocked them both with an apparent change of subject. "Tell me, you said you know your mother is Professor Crescent. Do you know where she is?"

Sephiroth was momentarily stunned by the unexpected question. Vincent had no such problem. "You mean she is alive?"

Hojo gave the gunman a derisive look but still answered. "The last I heard, she had tried to kill herself out of misplaced guilt. Such pathetic weakness." He was interrupted by a growl from Vincent but continued as though he hadn't been. "The Jenova cells in her body would not allow her to die. I have heard nothing of her since then."

By that point, Vincent's calm exterior had cracked. "Why did you bring her up? What game are you playing? You are more insane than I believed if you think her memory will stop me from extracting the information from you."

They both turned from each other when Sephiroth spoke. He was giving Vincent a confused look. "You knew my mother?"

Vincent looked away immediately, but Hojo only cackled again. "You still don't know?"

Both men glared at the scientist as he continued to laugh. Hojo put his hands on the glass and pinned Sephiroth with a look that clearly showed the insanity in his eyes. "Oh, son. So much you don't know." His laughter took over again.

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