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"Elias, I know you are confused, but in the short amount of time we have, let me tell you this. I am not human. I am of a race called the Valasin, who look human, yet live hundreds of years. Another thing, time here is different than anywhere else. In my language, Síldor Valasin, our world is called Íselfín, which means 'island in time'. A day here could be a century in Earth, or no time at all. It could also work backwards, you may return home before you left. It is a tricky concept.

But back to the Valasin. We were more advanced than any other civilization we knew of, and some of us were to prideful. We mastered magic of amazing proportions, and created technologies beyond belief. Our cities were beautiful, as you no doubt saw. But it was my own pride that brought us down, wanting to open a rift. I deeply regret it, and I have seen things. I saw friends and family who had been destroyed by the Intelligence, and it was a harsh reminder of what I have done. That electrical charge should have killed me, yet it didn't. I fell, and lay wounded throughout the night, fearing my own demise. But I thought of you in the clutches of the Intelligence, and it gave me strength. Not only am I a Valasin, but an Elder Valasin, winged and greatest of all. I come from the line of Aeleas Valascor, leader of the original Nine Valasin, and the First King of the Valasin. By rights, if there were any else left, I would be King of our people.

"When I saw you on the deck with Voss, I knew I had to act fast. I landed silently on the floor behind him, and you know the rest."

Elias was still worried. "But what do we do now?" He asked.

"We do the only thing we can. Go back and fight."

Keystone Trilogy Book II- Rift WorldWhere stories live. Discover now