Percy: I meet Artemis

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Percy: I meet Artemis

Hi, I am Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, the next rightful heir to the throne of Atlantis. Honestly, I don't care about the throne. Currently, I am just glad that I am getting to go to Olympus. Oh, by the way, I am 10 years old.

I walk into my room to see a) my clothes sprawled on the bed, b) my Pegasus and my best friend, Blackjack. I rushed and put my clothes before being tackled to the ground by Blackjack. I chuckled and picked him up.

Milord, it's been so long since you left.

For some strange reason, I can talk to all the horses. Mom says that it's because my dad created the horses, but I am not completely convinced. Whatever, I like him and forget those who point him out.

"Blackjack, I was gone for an hour to get my hair done."

But it doesn't look any different

"Because they failed."

Really? No way. I thought they would get it done for this time.

I chuckled and hugged him. Suddenly, the doors blasted open and I turned and looked at the door, "Dad, I know it's you."

Poseidon AKA my dad stepped forward and said, "Aww... I thought I got you for today." I grinned and leapt in his waiting arms and hugged him tightly.

We stayed in the embrace for several minutes before we got up and I picked up Blackjack. "Dad, Can I bring Blackjack over please?"

I could see that his reaction would be 'no', so I gave him my puppy eyes, knowing he couldn't resist it. I could see I was winning and he finally sighed and nodded.

I jumped up and down victoriously and held my father's hand with my free one and felt the feeling of being teleported. Without warning, I left his arm made my way to my favourite aunt's throne, Aunt Hestia's throne. As I made my way to her throne, I noticed a girl with auburn hair talking with a boy with blonde hair.

The girl skin was pale, her eyes were silver, and her hair were tied in a ponytail. She seemed deep in conversation with the boy. I don't know why but I felt jealous of the boy.

When I reached Aunt Hestia's throne, she looked down and smiled at me. I went and gave her a hug before sitting near the hearth. I noticed several flashes and noticed the Olympian gods had arrived. I looked at the gods. There were Zeus, Poseidon (my dad), Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Demeter, Ares, Hephaestus, and Hermes. Aunt Hestia was sitting with me near the hearth.

I was busy helping Aunt Hestia stroking the coals that I did not notice a person coming and sitting next to me. I kept stroking when I felt an arm on my shoulder. On reflex, I instantly jerked up and brought out a dagger in a ready-to-attack stance. I noticed the figure was the same girl I was admiring.

I relaxed and went and sat next to her. There was another round of awkward silence before I broke it, "Hi, I am Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon and Amphitrite."

She stared at me and after a few seconds said, "I am Artemis, Daughter of Zeus and Leto."

I held my hand in front and I saw her tense before relaxing and shaking my hand. After we parted our hands, Blackjack came and jumped on me making me fall on the ground. I began laughing and got up and straightened my clothes, "Blackjack, don't jump on me."

Milord, who is this hot chic here? Your girlfriend?

I blushed and pushed him away saying, "Blackjack this is Artemis. Artemis this is Blackjack. Dad created him especially for me." I saw her admiring him so I asked, "Do you want to ride on him?"

She looked at me and nodded with a beautiful smile on her face. I led her to his back and picked her from the waist and put her on him. For a second, no one moved before Blackjack began moving making me walk beside him.

Artemis spoke, "So, you can talk with him?"

"I can talk with all horses."

She nodded and said, "Wow, I can talk to wolves and deer." I nodded and we kept walking, well Artemis wasn't really walking. After we got off, I heard my father calling me.

"I'll see you later Arty." She blushed and nodded.

I was confused but let it go and went and bowed to my father and then kneeled before Zeus. I kept my head down, so I couldn't see anyone's face but I could guess that they were all smiling. After a few seconds, Zeus said, "Get up Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon and Amphitrite. It seems that you are of age to be given your domains and powers."

I stared at them shell-shocked and dad had to shake me by the shoulders to get me out of my trance. I nodded and said, "I would be grateful for that, milord."

He nodded with a smile and started chanting, "By the powers invested in me, I would like the fates to unlock the true powers within him and make him a god. By the Council of Gods, the child may become a god and may the domains and powers be given to him."

Suddenly there were three flashes and I saw three old hags moving. All the gods gasped and bowed before them. Of course, I didn't. They chuckled and said, in three voices, "Perseus Jackson, You are now the god of water creatures, ice, time, loyalty, swordsmanship and the minor god of the wildlife. You have the capabilities to become an Olympian God, if the council sees it fit."

I nodded and after they finished, I felt a lot of power course through my body. I almost felt like fainting but I kept my focus on the Gods and after a few minutes the feeling of dizziness went away.

I noticed that they had not flashed away and were looking at Artemis who was sitting by the Hearth. I called her, "Arty, these people wants to meet you. Come here."

The women gave me nods of agreement and said, "We are the Fates."

My eyes widened and I fell on my knee and bowed before them. They chuckled and looked towards Artemis. "Phoebe Artemis, You are the goddess of wildlife, maidens, the hunt, the moon and archery. You have the capabilities to become an Olympian God, if the council sees it fit." She nodded and bowed before them before walking to me and standing next to me.

Zeus came out of his shock and shouted, "Perseus and Artemis, please wait outside while the council decides on your addition to the Olympian Gods."

We nodded in sync and went outside. I leaned on the door while Artemis was jumping here and there, excited by her new powers. After a second, the doors opened by themselves making me fall on my back. "Ouch, how did you open?" I heard a beautiful, melodious laugh and looked at Artemis who was on the ground rolling around laughing.

I shook my head and forwarded my hand to raise her up. She gratefully took my hand and I helped her up and we walked to the Council and noticed that everyone was smiling at me and Artemis.

Zeus spoke up first, "Perseus and Artemis, the council has agreed to make you an Olympian god but you will have to swear loyalty to the council and the gods."

I spoke first, "I, Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, swear my loyalty to the Olympian Gods on the river Styx."

There was thunder outside before it subsided and all the gods smiled at me and waved. I waved back and heard Artemis speaking, "I, Phoebe Artemis, Daughter of Zeus and Leto, swear my loyalty to the Olympian Gods on the river Styx." There was thunder again and it too subsided. I noticed that I was now glowing white before I looked up and saw that I was the same height as the other gods.

I looked to my side and saw Artemis was the same size as me. I looked around the council and noticed a stark white throne with a clock on its top. I figured it was mine and walked towards it. Artemis was following me and I saw that her throne was between mine and Hermes'. I was between her and my dad, Poseidon.

I heard Zeus saying, "Well, to welcome the new god, there will be a party. Hermes, go and invite all the other gods. Poseidon get all the cyclops and mermen seeing that Perseus is the next rightful heir to Atlantis." They all nodded and flashed out, leaving me with Artemis.

I leaned to her ears and said, "Catch me if you can" and ran with Artemis chasing me. I laughed and after a while even she began laughing.

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