Percy: Orion

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Percy: Orion

*Three days later*

Its been too long since Arty promised to come. She said she will come the next day, but she never did. The other two days passed with me waiting for her.

I was sitting in the Mansion when a bright flash interrupted my thoughts. Out stepped a weary and tired Apollo. But his eyes held unconsiderable hatred and anger.

He sat down next to me and said, with gritted teeth, "Sis said that she would take some time before she comes here."

I was confused and asked, "Why?"

To my surprise, he stiffened and was about to speak when a loud horn interrupted us. Apollo glared at the door and said, "I am gonna go now. Good luck Percy."

I rose my eyebrows at his 'Good Luck' but nodded and waved him goodbye.

I walked to the door and opened it and saw several girls wearing silver parkas walking along with- I let out a pained gasp- a boy.

I noticed how Artemis and him, were so close to each other talking and he even had an arm around her waist. I felt my heart break into two, but I kept a calm façade.

The girls noticed me, and I saw the older hunters get a glint in their eyes and soon I was engulfed in a BIIIIIG hug.

I chuckled at their antics and noticed all the younger hunters looking at us in shock. I got the hunters off of me and went to new recruits and said, "Hello. I am Percy, Son of Poseidon, God of Water creatures, loyalty, ice, time, swordsmanship and minor god of wildlife. The older hunters know me because I am Artemis' best friend."

The newer recruits' jaws fell to the ground as they looked at me in visible surprise. I felt Orion stiffen and pull Artemis tightly against him. I almost growled but I calmed myself as I looked at him with a critical eye.

He had mechanical green eyes and his face was full of scars. I am sure I heard about him somewhere. I extended my hand and said, "I am Perseus. Call me Percy."

He shook my head and said, "I am Orion, Son of Poseidon." My eyes widened as I discovered his heritage. I gritted my teeth and thought, 'Dad had a demigod child? Well at least it's not Orion's fault.'

I nodded at Orion and turned to hunters who seemed to have gathered themselves. A hunter, Phoebe, came forward and asked, "Percy, where are we?"

I said, in a dramatic tone, "We are in... CAMP FORGOTTEN."

The hunters rolled their eyes while the new recruits flinched at the tone. Artemis slapped me on the back of my head, earning an 'OW!' courtesy of me.

I glared at Artemis who looked at me with a straight face without wavering.

I turned to confused hunters and explained them everything about the camp. By the end, almost all the hunters were dazed, and I sighed and waited till they came out of it.

It didn't take long, and I created a cabin for them (Yeah, I can do it). I told them to go to their cabins and that no boy will step even near their cabin. They nodded gratefully and left.

I held Artemis back and Orion stayed back too. I told him to go but he shook his head and wrapped his arm around Artemis a lot tighter and I could see that she was getting a little uncomfortable.

I was about to point it out, but Artemis beat me to it, "Orion, can you please loosen your hold? You are squeezing me."

Orion turned and said, "Oh ok. Sorry." He loosened his grip.

I silently pleaded to Artemis to tell Orion to go ahead. Thank Chaos, she understood and said, "Orion, you go ahead. I'll be there later." He seemed uncertain and he glared at me in jealousy before nodding stiffly and walked to the cabin.

I turned to Artemis and said, "Arty, I thought the hunt is only for girls?"

She looked at Orion dreamily before nodding and saying, "Yeah. Only for maidens."

"Then why is Orion in the hunt?"

She snapped out of her dreamy look and narrowed her eyes at me before saying, "Orion isn't just anybody. He is my boyfriend."

I could literally feel my heart breaking into million pieces. I looked away to avoid her from her finding out about my heartbreak.

I said, in my best confident voice I could muster, "That's nice. Why don't you go and spend some time with your boyfriend?"

She didn't seem to notice the venom in the word 'Boyfriend' and nodded before heading to her cabin.

So that is why Apollo was angry. Artemis got a boyfriend. Well, he never could let any boy get near Arty. Except me, of course.

There was something suspicious though. I know I have heard about him somewhere. Where could I have heard about him. Hmmm...

Aha Hermes.

I summoned Hermes and said, "Hermes, who is Orion?"

He seemed confused but said, "He is suspected of an attempt rape of Merope, daughter of the king Oenopion. He was thrown off the island and he stumbled upon Hephaestus' forge where he managed to charm Hephaestus into giving him mechanical eyes. His current location is unknown. Why do you ask though?"e e

I shook my head and said, "Nothing. I was just curious. That's all. I heard a new camper mutter his name and I thought it sounded familiar." I lied and hoped he wasn't able to tell the lie.

He accepted it and said, "Well, good luck with this camp. I need to go now before dad gets the idea that I am being jobless."

I nodded and said my farewell to him before flashing to the Mansion and I cried my heartbreak to sleep.

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