Percy: Start of prophecy

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Percy: Start of Prophecy

*10 decades after the previous chapter*

I can call this day my official worst day. Why? Well, I have absolutely no friends left. My dad disowned me (Real nice dad) and the camp is tense with the rise of Kronos.

Well he hasn't risen yet but there are many evidences proving to his rise. And Zeus is so arrogant that he is ignoring it.

Poseidon had a new son, Percy. That's the real reason why he disowned me. I went and argued and insulted him as to how he cheated on mom and he disowned me. To spite me, he named his son Percy.

The only good thing I have left is my mom Amphitrite. Even Hestia has a bit of coldness towards me. I haven't talked to Artemis since she left the camp. Apollo rarely visits with his duties and Hermes is too busy with his deliveries to even manage time for himself.

Wait, I never told you why this day is the worst? Oh, well its because Kronos' minion, a demigod child of Hermes came to my camp and offered me to join their 'winning' side but when I refused, he launched an attack.

Caught unexpected we lost several of our friends before we attacked back and defended the camp, but the damage was done.

The minor gods were furious that we couldn't protect their children and they changed sides and joined Kronos. The good thing is that I managed to teleport the children away from there before we could be discovered.

As expected, the minor gods let down the mist and our mansion was exposed to the Gods. They went and saw all the pictures of minor demigods, but nothing pointed to me, so I was safe for the time being.

The demigods were angry at the gods for doing that and went to Kronos' army to get safety and be able to avenge their camp and the respect deserved by their parents.

We were in a big problem and it all depended on me as I was their leader.

But I didn't know what to do. Finding another safe place like that can take a long time, not to mention both the Gods and Kronos' army searching for us. We would be found soon unless we got safety underground where Hades would find us.

I decided to take the risk and with my powers over ice and water, I managed to freeze an area in the ground and broke it, continuing such to make a tunnel before using my godly power to create us a nice place.

Bad news: The Gods tracked my power surge. Good news: They couldn't find my tunnel and left.

I knew that the war was coming, and I had to do something. I had received some news that the demigod child of my father had managed to steal Zeus' master bolt which was unbelievable because unlike Zeus, I knew he didn't even know what he was.

So, I decided to give his mother a visit. I closed my eyes and imagined myself in Manhattan.

I opened my eyes and saw a museum. I headed towards it and hid in the shadows as I watched my half-brother control water and force it at a fat and ugly girl who's smile told about her cruel behaviour.

I stifled a laughter at her expression before I noticed a fury going towards the demigod. I narrowed my eyes and flashed in the hall where he was walking along with the fury.

I was about to head down and finish it but then I head a wheelchair and I released a bit of my aura, enough to draw the wheelchair person's.

The fury revealed itself and attacked the demigod. Thanks to his reflexes (and luck), he managed to dodge her and just then I saw a familiar person come on a wheelchair and throw what looked like a pen at the boy.

I watched as he uncapped it and I gasped as I saw the sword. It was the legendary Riptide. Well, in my eyes it was legendary. I watched as he got a lucky shot on the fury, killing her.

Chiron went forward and knocked the demigod out and capped Riptide. He picked the demigod and went out, no doubt to drop him off to bed.

I looked through his memories and found his mom's place. I flashed there and found his mom serving a fat man and his friends drinks. I knocked on the door, deciding politeness will be best in this case.

She opened it and I said, "Hello Sally Jackson."

Her eyes widened as she realised, I was a god and she went to bow but I stopped her and said, "No need for that. I am not one for formalities. I have come to talk about serious matters."

She tensed and asked, "Is Percy ok? Please tell me he is ok? Did he die? Is he hurt?"

She kept ranting but I silenced her with a wave of my hand and said, "No he is alright. But the matter is important. Do you mind if I come in?"

She nodded and opened the door for me. I entered and my nose was filled with the odour of wine and beer. I scrunched my nose and heard a gruff voice say, "Who is at the door?"

Sally replied, sweetly, "No one honey. Just a friend of Percy."

The gruff voice replied, "Tell him that the brat isn't here."

I glared at him, but I froze time and pulled Sally out. She looked confused and I said, "I have frozen time. I didn't have time for him. So, let me introduce myself. I am Perseus, god of water creatures, ice, time, loyalty and swordsmanship."

Her eyes widened as she realised my domain and went to bow again but I stopped her again and said, "Don't bow. I don't like it. Anyways back to the original matter."

She nodded and opened her mouth and was about to say something, but I interrupted her, "Its about your son Percy. I believe you already know about who his father was?"

She nodded and I replied, "Good, that makes my things easier. I trust you also know about a camp especially for children like him?"

Another nod and I continued, "Then it is time. He needs to go to camp as soon as possible. His aura is strong and no doubt the monsters will sense him soon. If possible, try to take him there today when he comes back."

She nodded and I unfroze time. I flashed away before the gods could sense me there.

I sighed as I sat inside the tunnel as I saw the forgotten campers preparing themselves for any war. I was going to help them in close combat but in ranged attacks, I was hopeless, so they could only get perfect in close combat and trust their instincts for range.

I sighed as I realised the beginning of my prophecy along with the Great Prophecy.

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