Percy: Karma's a bitch

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Percy: Karma's a bitch

I flashed back to my camp and I was super pissed. And guess who decided to come to talk to me.

Yep, Orion.

I forced a smile and said, "Hey."

He immediately glared at me and said, "Hey dude, I don't like you. I know you might be Artemis' best friend but I don't want you to be anywhere near her. Got it?"

I scowled at him and said, "What's your problem?"

His glare intensified and he replied, "My problem is you. Artemis is mine and I wont let you take her away from me."

I replied, "Orion, she is an independent woman. She can do whatever she wants and I'll talk to her because she is MY best friend. So how about you not threaten me and do something productive?"

With that I shoved him away and walked to the woods, not in the mood to deal with the campers. Don't get me wrong, I like them as friends but they are a bit too whiny for my liking and I don't want to deal with their so-called problems right now.

I kept walking till I reached a clearing and I flopped down on the ground and lay, closing my eyes and just enjoying the feeling of peace and tranquillity. I always felt at harmony whenever I was near forests or water. I guess my minor domain of wildlife proved to be useful after all because in the matter of hunting or anything, I am as good at it as Zeus is for not being arrogant.

I sighed and gathered my thoughts from the past week. Just when everyone was getting settled, Artemis comes to the camp and then so many things happen. Now I am just a minor god with no power in the council.

"You aren't having second thoughts of saving Olympus, are you?" a familiar voice said.

Without opening my eyes, I said, "Nah, I am just wondering how things went from peace to hell within days."

Apollo came and sat next to me and said, "I am sorry Perce, I wanted to help-"

I waved him down and said, "Relax Apollo. I know why you did it and I am grateful for it. Now I can focus on the prophecy and not worry about having to deal with Zeus anymore."

I could feel his smile from here. Just goes to show how warm his smile is that I could feel it till here. I said, "Would you stop smiling? I'll get a sunburn if you keep it up."

I could feel him rolling his eyes as he stopped smiling and lay next to me. I opened my eyes and turned to Apollo and said, "Have you talked to Orion?"

His expression turned to disgust and he said, "Yeah. We had a few arguments when I went to tell Artemis to come here. He is pretty full of himself."

I agreed to that and said, "I don't trust him at all."

He nodded and said, "Me neither. I don't know what Artemis sees in him. He isn't even handsome. The only good thing about him is his archery which isn't even that good. Its just decent but she likes him because he is the first son of Poseidon who can do archery."

I replied, "Gee thanks for reminding me."

He smiled at me sheepishly and I rolled my eyes at him and stared back at the sky.

I closed my eyes when Apollo suddenly said, "Percy I have an idea."

I rose my eyebrows in question as he was shaking with excitement. He answered, "We can trick Artemis into killing Orion before Orion does something."

My eyes widened and I shook my head and said, "I am not going to have you kill Orion."

He replied, "Artemis will kill him, not me."e H

I still shook my head and he kept saying excuses before I finally relented and nodded. He literally hugged me to death when I said yes.

He flashed away shortly after and I picked myself and walked back to the camp. Everyone was probably seated at the dining pavilion so I made my way to the Mansion and looked at the pictures of the demigods.

I heard a voice say, "Percy."

I turned around, ready to bring out my sword as it's the only weapon I am good at. I breathed in relief as I saw the familiar silver looking at me in worry. I smiled at her and she gave me a sad smile before coming and hugging me.

I hugged her back, enjoying the smell of forests from her and I felt calm. It felt like there was no prophecy, no problems. Just Artemis and me. Alone. Like before.

I sighed at my impossible dream and pulled out of the hug and saw a flash of hurt through her eyes but it was so sudden that it could have been classified as imagination.

I greeted, "Artemis."

She nodded and said, "Percy, are you ok?"

I looked at her questioningly but shrugged nevertheless. I said, "Never been better."

She seemed to pull back slightly at my sudden coldness. She stepped forward but I stepped backward. What is she doing? Is she playing with my feelings, trying to make me love her but know that she wont love me back?

I turned away and walked off, not realising the symbolism.

I didn't know what I was doing at the time but I realised later on that I hadn't just walked away from Artemis. No, I had walked away from our deep friendship.

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