Percy: The Rise of General

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Percy: The Rise of General

*3 Years after the previous chapter*

I stood before the struggling titan. I glared at him and said, "What's your plan Atlas?"

He managed a grin but his eyes showed his hatred. He chuckled and said, "Wouldn't it be nice to know?"

I kicked him in the face and bent to his eyes and said, "Tell me NOW!"

He spat his ichor at me and said, "Not in a million years."

I glared at him and said, "Fine, tell me after a million years. Cause I'll be still alive, and so will you."

With that I walked off and heard him shout, "You will pay for this minor god. You hear me? YOU WILL PAY!"

I flashed off, not interested in hearing his threats. I sat in my tent in the tunnel contemplating what to do. Othrys is building itself again, obviously sensing the return of Kronos and the titans. The gods are still feigning ignorance and my... half-brother is working his arse off to show his loyalty.

Like me, his flaw was loyalty and I couldn't help but feel pity for him. He kept losing a part of his closest friends or, in Sally's case, family. But I had other things to think about. Like my own prophecy.

There were two prophecies going on, all related to the rise of Kronos. Whats worse that the ending is NOT going to be good.

I stopped thinking because the more I thought, the more my head hurt.

Thinking back, my half-brother had done pretty admirable for someone who was barely trained. His companions, the daughter of Athena and the satyr were proving to be useful.

But this year is going to be difficult and different. This time they are directly dealing with a titan. And this titan is not anyone to mess with.

I need to keep any eye on those three.

*Time Skip* (When Manticore drags Percy and the two siblings out)

I watched, hidden in the trees, as the person, no doubt Manticore, dragged the two twins and my half-brother. I could see him stalling for time and trying to get as much information as he could, which was pretty smart.

Some words caught my attention though. "Great stirring." Oh no. no no no no no no.

I watched as his friends came to their rescue. I recognized one of them to be a Daughter of Zeus and by the way she fought, it was obvious she had a lot of training. The other was a Daughter of Athena who I noticed went invisible. Good thing when you are fighting against a manticore. The satyr was helping but in battles, the satyrs aren't that great. (A/N: I am so sorry for that. They are just as powerful in my opinion)

I noticed as the manticore let loose some spikes and grabbed the person closer to him, who just happened to be the daughter of Athena. I noticed as he held her hostage before I heard a familiar voice ask, "Permission to kill milady?"

The Manticore looked shocked and shouted, "No, Godly interference is prohibited."

Another familiar voice replied, "Any beast is under my domain. Yes you have the permission to kill him Zoe."

The Manticore growled and jumped off the cliff as the hunters released their arrows.

I watched the events unfold as my half-brother begged Artemis to help him. I watched as the hunters healed the campers and silently flashed away.

*Time skip*

I was walking through the forest when I saw my half-brother in the clearing, slashing at trees.

I said, "Hey."

He jumped slightly and held his sword at my throat. When he realised who I was, he capped it and looked at me expectantly.

I sat on the ground casually and eyed the spot opposite from me for him to sit. After a few seconds, he complied and I said, "I don't do small talk so I'll jump straight to the point."

He looked shocked and said, "Yeah, I am not good at small talk either."

I stared at him and said, simply, "I need control of your body."

That's how I dropped the, what mortals nowadays call, bomb. His jaw opened and his eyes widened comically. He stared at me before standing up and uncapping his sword and held it in front of my face.

I eyed the sword and him and just shrugged, before grabbing the blade by the blade and pulling it, slapping his wrist making him leave it. I twisted the blade and held it to his throat and said, "Don't challenge the god of swordsmanship. Plus I am not here to attack you." To prove my point, I returned his sword to him.

He capped it and sat back down. He asked, "But why my body?"

I replied, "As you are my father's son, I can easily control your body."

He looked me in the eye before sighing and saying, "I am sorry but I can't. I need to go and save Annabeth."

I said back quickly, "Don't worry. I'll save her. I just need to go on this quest."

He sighed and said, "Do I have any choice in this matter?"

I shook my head and he extended his hand. I shook it and said, "I will control it later. Now go to your friends. They are probably worried for you."

He nodded and took off but stopped after a few steps and said, "If anything happens to Annabeth, god or not, I will find a way to kill you."

With that he took off. I looked at his retreating back and chuckled silently thinking, Young Love.

*Time Skip* (When Zoe is given her quest)

I stood watching from the woods as the Oracle mummy walked towards them. They were fighting over a stupid reason as a loss in game while there was a big danger outside. Idiots.

I paled as she gave the prophecy to Zoe. 'They have got Artemis! I need to get her back.'

I took control of my half brother and looked around to see the mummy on ground and Chiron saying, "Percy and Grover, take the Oracle back to the attic."

Oh great! I thought sarcastically.

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