Percy: The Titan's Curse

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Percy: The Titan's Curse

I walked through the Garden of Hesperides followed by Zoe, daughter of Atlas; Grover, the satyr; and Thalia, the daughter of Zeus. Bianca, one of the twins they rescued had sacrificed her life to give us a chance to save Artemis. Now normally, I don't feel sad if a mortal dies because I never managed to get any relation to them, but Bianca's death hit home hard. Especially considering the loyalty she held and that's coming from the god of loyalty.

I really wanted to kick Atlas where it hurts but I refrained not ready to have others realise I am not the original Percy. Ever since I took control of Percy in the camp, I have had him in control, but he watches the quest from inside the head.

Anyways, as I was saying, I was leading the quest because I had become a somewhat leader in the quest. Sure, Zoe led the quest but when it was cases like this, I was in the front, partially because I was good at close combat and she preferred ranged attacks which I respected and partially because we were going to her father's mountain, so it was understandable for her to be nervous and jumpy.

I watched as Ladon looked at me and recognised me as it growled. I recognised the growl as hunger, but I couldn't have the other questers know so I drew my half-brother's sword and held it in front of me.

Zoe held her hand in front of me and shook her head and said, "Don't."

I nodded in understanding and walked forward cautiously as I heard Zoe say, "Hey Ladon. Remember me? It was me who fed thou."

Ladon looked at her curiously before recognition flashed and half of the heads growled while other half whined. I hurried with the other questers while glancing back to see Zoe battling Ladon.

I reached the peak just as Zoe came running with a bite on her leg. I asked her a silent question and she nodded. I looked up to see a heartbreaking scene.

Artemis was struggling to hold the sky while a blonde girl was next to her. I wanted to do nothing but run and free Artemis from underneath the pain, but I knew that I couldn't rush in without getting trapped.

So, I stayed back as the others ran forward. Before I could warn them, they got trapped.

*Time Skip* (pretty much where Percy battles and then drags himself to Artemis)

I looked into her eyes pleadingly and said, "Arty, please. Trust me. Give me the weight."

Her eyes flashed with anger and she spat out, "Boy, don't call me by that name."

I gritted my teeth in annoyance and said, "No time for explanation." With that I stood up and forcefully took the sky from her. She, immediately, flashed her hunting knives and went and engaged Atlas in the fight while I struggled under the unbearable pain.

The mortal body of my half-brother wouldn't be able to hold this for long. Before I knew it, Atlas crashed into me, making me drop the sky where he held it and I heard a loud wail from him, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

I looked up and saw Artemis looking over a body in a crumbled wall. I dragged myself there slowly and noticed the dying body of Zoe. She looked at me and smiled and I smiled back and said, "Zoe..." I turned to Artemis and said, "Milady, is there nothing we can do?"

I knew we couldn't do anything, but my half-brother didn't. she looked at me with tearful eyes and shook her head and turned back to Zoe and just placed her head in her lap.

Zoe gasped, "Percy, I am glad to call you my friend. Please keep Anaklusmos for me."

I nodded stiffly, my eyes threatening to tear. She looked at the sky and gasped out again, "Milady... the stars... I can see them... they are so beautiful."

If possible, Artemis cried harder as Zoe's body went still. Artemis muttered under her breath and I watched as her essence went to the sky.

I feigned innocence and asked, "What did you do to her milady?"

She looked at me coldly and said, "Nothing that matters to you boy."

I bowed my head in defeat.

*Time Skip*

I watched from distance as my half-brother and his friends were awarded by the gods. I shook my head at Zeus' arrogance to kill them, but I was glad that Artemis supported him.

I heard a hunting horn in a distance and smirked when I saw the body of the Hermes child who betrayed the gods while his body was surrounded by Kronos' army. I flashed on my armour and flashed in the middle of the army and began slashing at the army.

Before they could realise what happened, half of their army were killed and sent to Tartarus. The other monsters gathered their wits and began attacking. In the next few seconds, almost all the monsters were done, save for around 7-8 monsters. I walked forward to kill them before a booming voice spoke, chilling me to bone, "Ah Perseus. Son of Poseidon eh? Can't say I am surprised. You, my boy, have been a very big hindrance in my plans and have delayed me by a long time but fear not, I will return, and you will be the first god to feel my wrath."

With that, I felt a time lock on me. I used my powers and unlocked it, but before I could do anything, the monsters disappeared along with the body of the traitor son of Hermes.

I was about to flash away when a voice called out, "Perseus?"

I stiffened at the familiar tone and turned around to see a girl of 21 years old with auburn hair and striking silver eyes that reflected the moon.

I groaned inwardly and said, "Artemis."

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