Percy: The Fall

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Percy: The Fall

We rushed to Olympus as fast as we could, which was super-fast considering we were gods. If we had any mortals, then they would have been blown to bits.

Artemis kept holding my hands but I didn't protest. I liked it. A strong wave of power hit the chariot, making it wobble. I struggled to keep my balance while Artemis just stood there, completely unfazed.

"A hunter's advantage. Be prepared for every terrain," she said as she stifled her laughter.

Rolling my eyes, I landed the chariot at the edge of Olympus and hurried off. Grabbing Artemis' hand again, I pulled both of us fast towards the throne room.

Chaos help up if he has already killed Percy.

I pushed open the throne room and watched as Luke grabbed the knife Percy was giving to him. I really wanted to run and stop him but something about the boy told me that he wasn't really planning to attack. Maybe it was the blue eyes or the posture but he seemed to be innocent. A vulnerable kid who was afraid but brave.

Artemis stalked forward, no doubt to stop Luke but I stopped her with an arm in front of her. She seemed shocked but noticing my tension, relaxed and stepped to my side, our shoulders brushing.

Luke took a deep breath before he unlatched the side straps of his armour, exposing a small bit of his skin just under his left arm, a place that would be very hard to hit. With difficulty, he stabbed himself. It wasn't a deep cut, but Luke howled. His eyes glowed like lava. The throne room shook, throwing me off my feet. An aura of energy surrounded Luke, growing brighter and brighter. I looked on as the mortal body burst into fire.

Time froze, literally as I realised that we were late. Kronos had been restored to his immortal form. His eyes, burning with hatred, landed on me and I, involuntarily, stepped back.

He rose his arm and the scythe from the burning hearth flew to his arm. I screamed as I charged with my sword drawn. I had to stall till I could weaken Kronos for the Olympians to stop him completely.

I slashed at his torso but he simply stepped back before swinging his scythe at me. I ducked under it and jabbed at his side. Ichor splashed as my sword made a cut on his side.

Kronos staggered back as I quickly whirled and kicked his feet, making him stumble to the ground. I tried to take off his head but he dodged as he crawled to the side before jumping up.

I hopped back as Kronos mocked, "You foolish puny god. Don't you know the prophecy? Only cursed blade can kill me. And you little sword isn't cursed. Now let me make it easy and finish you."

He swung his scythe at me and I jumped over it. He had anticipated it as he kicked me right in the stomach, making me fly and crash into the door. The door shattered to pieces, covering me in the debris.

He walked forwards, swinging his scythe here and there. I groaned as I removed the pieces off of me. He laughed as he jumped over the destruction, swinging in mid-air as he slashed my stomach.

Instantly, a huge loss of power erupted within me, making me step back. His scythe glowed as it absorbed my power. I growled and jumped towards him, feigning a strike to his left. As expected, he went to defend and as he did, I punched him on the face. He faltered, giving me an opportunity.

I slashed at his right thigh and face, getting him to howl in pain. I struck forward, right through his stomach. He grabbed the blade and pulled, making me lose my sword. He took it out, ichor leaking out of his stomach.

Defenseless, I watched as he threw my sword to the side. He charged at me, his eyes threatening to kill me. I dodged his scythe and crawled away from Kronos. He attacked again as I ducked under the blade. The wall behind me burst making me fall to the floor.

I jumped up instantly, spotting Percy next to the body of Luke. Anaklusmos, in pen form, in his pocket. I sprinted to him, Kronos following me, as I jumped over the hearth and drew Riptide from his pocket.

Right at the moment, Kronos sliced my back making me fly forward, Riptide still in my hand. I struggled to my foot as I felt pure evil sensation emit from near me. I looked to my side as I saw a hole.

"Ethan Nakamura fell right into Tartarus. It was meant for the sea spawn but no matter. He will be down there soon. As will you."

Kronos rushed at me. I dodged and struck right at his face, making his face glow bright red as the cursed blade worked its magic. I began slicing him all around his body, the time block near us weakening.

I kicked him on the face as he fell next to Tartarus. He sneered at me but his eyes showed fear and pain. I slowly walked to him, Riptide in my hand. Once I was in front of him, I lowered Riptide.

Big mistake.

He took the weapon nearest to him, my sword Stormy and stabbed me right through my stomach. My eyes widened as I stumbled to the edge of the hole. He grinned and kicked my knee, snapping it as I fell back, right into the hole.

I grabbed the edge of the pit, my hands grabbing Riptide. I tried to pull myself up but Kronos came, a cruel smile on his face as he saw me hanging on the edge.

He said, cheerfully, "I said you would be dead, didn't I?"

I panted, but I replied, "And I said not on my watch." With that, I pulled up with power, stabbing Riptide through Kronos' stomach.

His eyes widened as his whole body covered in flames, slowly turning into ash and dust. He howled again but the voice drowned out as I dropped into the pit, my last thought being, Oh fuck, Arty's gonna kill me when I return.

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