Artemis: Fates and awards

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Artemis: Fates and awards

I could have sworn that Perseus was right next to me when we entered the Throne Room. One second, he was right here and the next he was gone and so was Kronos. I extended my senses, but I was unable to sense either of them.

11 flashes next to me made me aware of the remaining Olympians. As the Gods took in the damage, I surveyed the damage. No throne was affected seriously and could be easily repaired. The doors had been blasted as was the ground on several places. At the corner was a pit that led right down to... Tartarus.

"Percy," Poseidon, my uncle, said in awe, "What... What is this?"

He turned, finally facing us Olympians and said, his voice cracking, "We need a shroud. A shroud for the son of Hermes."

The time stopped, not literally but figuratively as everyone stared at the fallen demigod. No one said anything. Not because we didn't have the words. No. It was because we couldn't speak.

A bright flash entered the door and materialised into the three fates. They stared at Percy the whole time while they walked to the fallen demigod's body and picked it up.

It is done, I heard them say. I tried to shrink into the throne, but they turned to me and gave me a brief vision. Perseus was sprinting and behind him was a huge shadow of a monster. Suddenly I was there with him helping him up. Then we were kissing. Then I was being pushed out of a door. All of this happened in less than a second.

We Olympians watched as the Fates held a snippet of blue yarn and showed it to Percy. Realisation flashed through his eyes as his body relaxed a bit. They gathered up Luke's body, now wrapped in a white and-green shroud, and began carrying it out of the throne room.

"Wait," Hermes said.

The messenger god was dressed in his classic outfit of white Greek robes, sandals, and helmet. The wings of his helm fluttered as he walked. I heard the two snakes curled around his caduceus muttering, Luke, poor Luke.

Hermes unwrapped Luke's face and kissed his forehead. He murmured some words in Ancient Greek, "You have made me proud son. May you reach the Elysium."

He took a deep breath and said, "Farewell." Then he nodded and allowed the Fates to carry away his son's body.

As they left, I thought about the prophecy. Titan of time rises, Sacrificing the time god, To the worst hell. The Titan of Time was Kronos and he had sacrificed Perseus, the Time God, also my best friend. The worst hell filled my mind with dread as I thought about the visions I saw when the Fates looked at me.

I tuned out after the fates left, only looking at my Hunters but my mind was focused on something else. Or rather someone else. A blue blur garnered my attention as I looked at the sky where a bright blue flag was flying.

Ignoring it, I set about repairing my throne and the cracks on the floor. Looking around, I excused myself to the pit and felt immense evil power from it. I spotted Stormy near the edge and I picked it up. The sword vibrated as I held it. I flashed it to my palace, deciding to look at it later.

After we had repaired Olympus so that it looked decent, we took our spots at our thrones. I disregarded the whole meeting, only speaking when Thalia had been called up to receive her awards.

Finally, we reached to the 'Saviour' of Olympus who stepped forward nervously. First, he bowed to Zeus. Then, he knelt at Poseidon's feet.

"Rise, my son," Poseidon said. He stood uneasily.

"A great hero must be rewarded," Poseidon said. "Is there anyone here who would deny that my son is deserving?"

We looked at each other, each of us knowing that he deserved it and he had earned it. Plus having a new god would make us more in tune to the modern world.

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