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So this party has been going pretty good. Everyone was having a nice time and we have been drinking the same drinks for the past 5 minutes, just watching Harry check in on everyone. "Are you going to drink it or no?" The bartender asked us and we turned around. "Oh...sorry. Just watching our boyfriend," Niall said and the guy just rolled his eyes. "Just call him over here," The guy told us. I looked at Harry and I saw him talking to his brothers and his sister.

"Um...we are just thinking about how we are going to end the night..." Zayn said and the guy sighed. "That's for later, but you either call him over here and finish your drinks or you give them up so that I could make more drinks for the ones who are actually going to be drinking," The bartender scolded us. "Um...Harry?" I spoke and Harry looked over and looked at me. He looked at his siblings and told them to enjoy the party before walking to us.

"Yes Lou? Are you alright?" Harry asked me as he stepped up to me and fixed my hair a little. I looked at him, then at his outfit before saying, "We just wanted to have you around and chat with us a little. You look so beautiful right now too." He smiled before looking at his dress. "Thanks and I don't mind being here for some time," He responded as he grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.

"Can I have a sip?" He asked as he looked at the alcoholic beverage in my hand

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"Can I have a sip?" He asked as he looked at the alcoholic beverage in my hand. "Yeah, sure," I replied and handed him the cup. "You alright babe?" Zayn asked Harry and Harry nodded. "I just never tried this drink before. Plus, I need to have some fun myself," He answered before he took a sip of my drink and handed it back to me. "Today is your free day Liam. That's the only reason why you are allowed to drink. Don't take advantage of that though," Harry warned Liam.

"I understand. Won't drink too much. Promise," Liam swore and Harry smiled before looking at the bartender. "Can I get one of those?" He asked as he pointed at my drink. The guy nodded before he went to work. Harry then looked at me, then at the boys. "You guys look so anxious. Are you sure that everything is alright?" Harry asked before he was handed his drink. "We are fine Hazza. Just want to make sure that everything goes out well," Niall answered.

"There is nothing that you need to worry about. That's my job Ni," Harry pointed out before taking a sip of his drink. "Everyone is fine anyways. They seem happy, and that's all that matters to me," He added before he finished his drink completely. It's almost the new year in like 10 minutes, so be excited," He told us before he put the empty glass down and kissed each one of us on the cheek. We all smiled as we watched him walk away. I looked down and fished out the ring box from my pocket.

"Do you still think that he would say yes?" Liam asked and I shrugged. "It really depends on if he wanted to take that step or not," I told them and we stood there drinking our drinks finally as we watched Harry from afar. I really do hope that he says yes...because if he doesn't, then that's one sad story to tell to friends and family...I thought to myself, sighing softly.

7 minutes later
"Hey Harry, can you come up here for a moment?" Zayn asked and Harry turned around and saw us standing on the stage. He giggled a little before handing his cup of water to Edward before walking up to the stage. He steps up and he looked at us with those glistening green eyes that we adore and love so much.

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