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"Birthday!" "Yes babe, today is your mommas birthday. He'll be back on a bit, so when he gets back, he's going to need kisses," Louis told Sophia as he was sealing up a gift that was from all of Harry's alphas. Harry didn't want a lot spent in him, so they did just get him one thing, then they have a date set for the night, then a movie, and a song for him especially.

"Liam, did you finish the cake?" Louis asked as he picked Sophia up and the two walked into the lit up kitchen. "Yes, did you wrap the gift?" Liam asked and Louis nodded showing the box to Liam. "Zayn, you booked a baby sitter for these two, correct?" Louis then asked the raven when he walked into the living room.

"Yes, and Lottie will be here in an hour with Gemma. Niall, you have what Harry's wearing ready and set out? His belly is showing, so he needs something that's going to be loose on him rather than tight." "Yes, it's on his bed, and Scarlett is sleeping, so we won't have to worry about her for the next hour," Niall said, rushing down the stairs.

"Alright, we are ready-" "I'm home," Harry's voice spoke out and Sophia chirped. The twins are 1 year and 2 months old, and Harry is currently on his way to be 5 months pregnant. The 20th of February will declare him being 5 months in the pregnancy. "Hey love, happy birthday," Louis said and kissed Harry on the lips.

Sophia watched that happen and she reached for her mama. "Aww, come here love," Harry said with a smile and picked the girl from Louis's arms. Sophia puckered her lips and kissed Harry on the cheek, making Harry coo and smile bigger. " 'appy birthday mama," Sophia said and Harry chuckled. "Thanks love," He said and kissed Sophia's cheek.

"Now that you got kissed from Sophia. Open up your present," Louis then said when the alphas are in the same room and standing around Harry. "It's fake silver by the way," Liam then stated and Harry rose a brow before he ripped the paper off and opened the small black box.

"Aww," Harry cooed, looking at the adorable necklace. "I love it! Goes perfect with those bracelets with the girls names on them," Harry said as he looked at the necklace. "Pretty pretty," Sophia repeated. "Yes, it is very pretty," Harry smiled, making sure that the necklace was out of their daughter's reach.

"Thank you so much," Harry said and kissed every boy on the lips, and Sophia copied him by kissing their cheeks

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"Thank you so much," Harry said and kissed every boy on the lips, and Sophia copied him by kissing their cheeks. Harry had Zayn put his necklace part on him. Harry was smiling so big as to how he came so far in this life.

Yup, he had absolutely 0 regrets!
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