25 (4 months later)

423 14 1

"Yeah? You having fun?" I asked Sophia as I was shaking her rattling toy. She giggled, reaching for it. "Here you go my lovely," I said and she took it and started to shake it. "Ooh!" She chirped as she clapped the toy with her hands. I had her in my lap as we were having a family night. Harry was taking a pregnancy test because one of us...Liam, did the dirty with no protection.

We texted Sam and he did seal the baby's hearings before you start thinking that they heard them doing it...and the baby's didn't hear anything, so they didn't really react to it as much as we thought they would.

He didn't mean to, he just forgot. We scolded him because we were not ready for baby number 3 just yet. We were still getting used to being dad's for the first time ever. Plus, we are still dealing with our twins who are still infants. At least get them to age 2 or 3 before trying for another. "Phew, it's a negative," Harry said as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Ooh!" Scarlett squealed as he was being walked down the stairs by Louis. "Just finished tummy time with this one, and I said ooh...be ready for a stream of ooh's to leave her lips," Louis told us and locked the stair gate once he walked through. "Really Liam, you need to be more careful," I scolded as Harry took Scarlett from Louis. "I said that I was sorry," Liam sighed.

"Ooh!" Scarlett squealed as she was placed in Zayn's lap and Harry cleaned up the toys area a little. "Like not mad, but just be more self aware. I didn't buy the birth control pills just yet. They'll be ready for me to pick up in the morning tomorrow. Let's just wait a year or so before going all bare and stuff, yeah?" "Ahh!" Scarlett was reaching for her rattle. Zayn picked it up and shook it a few times before handing it to her.

"Would it be cute if I taught them how to play Fifa?" Louis asked. "Would it be a cute picture? Yes. Would I want our babies to learn how to play? No. You are a pretty sore loser when you lose Louis. You also tend to curse, and I will not have that," Harry spoke. "Umm...just meant it as a joke, but okay," Louis said, raising his hands up. "Sure Louis...sure," We said in unison.

"Did Sophia have her tummy time yet?" Harry asked and I nodded. "We did it right after I changed her diaper," I told him and he hummed in approval. Sophia looked at Harry when he hummed. "You know what this looks mean love," I said with a small chuckle and Harry nodded his head. I paced Sophia to Harry and he had the girl rest in his lap.

He then started to sing one of his songs that was on his first released album. The name of the song was 'Sweet creature'. Even though the song was supposed to be a live song, he still received giggles, squeals, and claps from the twins. We smiled at him and he smiled at the two babies. "You loved that, didn't you?" Harry cooed before he looked at us. "Your father's made some great music too," He told them. "Ooh!" They both squealed together.

Scarlett started to suck on her rattle toy and Sophia started to clap her hands together. "They are the happiest babies that I've ever met," Liam spoke and we chuckled, and that made the twins start laughing. "You hungry Scarlett?" Zayn asked and Scarlett looked at him and continued to suck on her toy. "I'll take that as a yes," He said and picked the girl up.

As Zayn went away to go take care of Scarlett. The rest of us stayed back and played with Sophia. She stayed in Harry's lap as I picked up one of the toys that makes a crinkly sound when you play with it. She looked at it and she reached out to it. "Ooh Ooh!" She chirped and it made me smile before I gave her the toy. She then put that into her mouth.

I chuckled before I got on my phone to talk to Harry's brother Marcel since he was not included in our group chat. He never likes those things as it sets off his phone so many times. Anyways, we are all going on a picnic when our babies hit 8 monts. It going to be us with the twins of course, Edward with his adopted baby and Brendon, and Marcel with his alpha and their baby. That's for the first day of Scarlett and Sophia being on this earth for 8 months.

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