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"Hey babe...it's your alpha Zayn here..." I said as I grabbed one of Harry's hands and intertwined our fingers together. "It's your 4th day, meaning that you have 10 more days left. This is pretty scary for normal people, but I'm not scared. I know that you will wake up. I believe in you.

The twins are okay and safe. I'm here with you, Louis and Liam are with the twins, and Niall went home to get some rest. We will switch out between days, so we have a schedule. Isn't that a good idea?" I asked with a faint smile.

I looked at Harry hands and I raised them. "The day that we said I do...you were crying. You called us huge saps when the party came around, but I'm only a sap for the ones who are dear to my heart. I wake up every day with a smile, because you, Louis, Liam, and Niall give me so many reasons to smile.

I smile everyday because you are there and I know that you are always going to be there for us. That's something that I can't forget. I can't possibly forget that because you remind me every morning and every night," I spoke as I grinned at the amazing memories, and his beautiful voice speaking to me every day.

"When we put that ring on your finger, I knew that I made it. I knew that I made it in life. No award from an award show could ever top the feeling that rose and exploded from inside of my heart. When we were finally declared as husbands, I knew that this was the life that I always wanted.

There will be no other moment in my future that could top that. The twins were at a tie with that day. I love you so much babe and I'm beyond blessed to have you as mine forever," I kissed his cheek and smiled at his face. He just looks so at peace and relaxed. I'm pretty sure that this journey was exhausting for him to go through.

"You look so beautiful when you are sleeping. You did know that, right? There are moments where I would just sit there and watch you take a nap or sleep. Call me creepy all you want, but to me, it's a sight that I don't ever want to miss. The small snores that escape your lips.

The fact that you talk in your sleep is so cute, and you always tend to snuggle or cuddle with something with your eyes closed. If you were sleeping on me, then you would be on top of me, peacefully sleeping.

You frown or hold that object or person tighter because they are moving too much. You don't like being alone when your sleeping and the fact that you still can't last 2 hours by yourself is so adorable. You are independent yes, but you have some traits and cases where you rely on others to be there for you.

I love that about you. I love every single detail about you. We all do. Never doubt that babe. Never doubt our love for you and if there is ever a day that you do, then find us and we will convince you otherwise," I said and kissed the back of both of his hands and I gave them both a small squeeze.

I released his hands and I looked up when I heard the door opening. "Hey...do you mind holding her? I need to use the bathroom," Louis asked and I nodded my head before taking the sleeping baby from Louis's arms. Louis kissed my cheek before he hurried to the closest bathroom. I looked down at the baby and smiled at her.

"Hey Sophia, it's me your daddy," I spoke and the baby moved a little before it's eyes slowly opened to those little slits that we completely adore. Sophia wiggled and I smiled at her. "And that's your momma," I said and had her face Harry. I looked at Harry, then back at our baby.

She looked and one of her hands made a grabby motion towards Harry. "He is currently sleeping, but you'll see him when he wakes up eventually. He loves you, you know? He loved you ever since he heard that you were in his belly, and so were we," I said as I began to rock her. "We are so happy that your here baby girl," I added.

"Momma knew that you were going to be the cutest and the most beautiful set of twins in the world. We all knew that you were going to be beautiful. I'm so in lobe, and you can never guess how much even if you tried," I told her before Louis returned. "Thanks love," Louis told me and I nodded before passing the baby back to him and he walked out of the room.

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