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"Oh shit!" Harry's voice boomed around the house and just like that, we sped the fuck all of the way to our bedroom. "Harry?!? What's wro-" "What the fuck do you think is wrong! My water just broke!" Harry shouted and we hurried into the room and we all picked Harry up and sped out of the room and into Harry's car.

Louis was driving, so we were going to get there in time. Harry was panting and he screeched and we tried to comfort him the best way that we could. However, it lead to us either being hit or cursed at. Harry was not caring about curse words right now, and honestly...I don't blame him. Harry squeezed my hand for every contraction that he had and boy did it hurt like a bitch...

When Louis drove up to the hospital, there were already ladies waiting for us and we hurried to get Harry into the wheelchair. "Harry baby, just keep squeezing my hand. You'll be in a room in just a moment," I spoke, coaching Harry though this hurtful process. "How about shut the fuck up and get me into a god damn room!" Harry shouted in response.

"We are going as fast as we can Mr. Malikan, b-" "Please hurry your asses even faster!" Harry's head went back and he looked back at me. "I-It hurts L-Li..." "I know darling, and we are hurrying right now. Your room is a couple more doors down," I told him and he starred to pant as he nodded his head. The ladies ran into the room and the doctor helped Harry walk to the bed.

Because our doctor was a demon, he snapped his fingers and Harry was in a patient outfit as we were in nurses uniforms. "Time for the marking," The doctor said and pressed a hand to Harry's stomach and started to speak some incoherent language and when he was finished and moved his hand from Harry's stomach, there was a symbol on his stomach.

Harry had a mask over him already and his eyes closed slowly before was out

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Harry had a mask over him already and his eyes closed slowly before was out. The nursed were rushing around the room and we helped them as much as we could, until the doctor called Louis and I over. "Louis, you will have to deliver the first girl. Are you ready for that?" He asked and Louis nodded his head with no hesitation.

"When you step away with the first twin, a nurse will help you clean her up. Liam, you are going to deliver the second. Stacy, Harry Edward Tayne Malikan, under slumber starts today, 17th of December. Now we will seal Harry's mark when the second child is out and once we get rid of all of the residue from this C-section, ready everyone?" "Yes doctor," We all said and we got to work.

When the doctor knew that the first child was ready, he called for Louis and they worked together and we watched before..."Scarlett Aria Tayne Malikan born on 17th of December at 6:45pm. Weighs 5.6lbs," The doctor said and I smiled. A nurse rushed to Louis's side and guided him out of the room and into the cleaning area. "Ready Mr. Liam?" The doctor then asked and I took a small breath before nodding my head. "Alright, we are going to have to wait a small bit," He told me.

He watched the baby move and when he saw the foot, he took that as a sign. He slowly reached in and started to get the baby. He guided me, telling me what I had to do before he called out, "Sophia Kate Tayne Malikan born on 17th of December at 6:49pm. Weighs 5.5lbs," He said and another nurse was rushing me out of the room. "Okay, so you are going to have to be really careful with her...let's hold her like this..." the nurse said and helped me wash my baby.

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