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"Well we are going to have to bring this up to Harry at some point," Louis said as we were walking down the streets of Holmes Chapel. We were here because Harry wanted our first babies to be born in the area that he met us. Where his life was bad, but also perfect for him. "He can't do anything anyways," Zayn said and I sighed.

What we are talking about is about the one night where we were piss drunk, but someone decided to take advantage of that and drug us. This was during the time of when Harry was in training. Want to guess who drugged us? Yep, those girls who tried to get a piece of us back in high school. What sucks even more is that Eleanor didn't say yes to Ed.

Yeah...she keeps telling us that Louis really belonged to her, so now they're blackmailing us. They texted us this morning telling us that if we don't break things off with Harry, then they'll tell Harry what happened while he was away. Yes...they took advantage of us and did the dirty with us. It has been years, but they decided to drop this on us today.

"The omega is 34 weeks Zayn! He has two weeks! He could-" "Niall...which is better: hearing that we cheated from us? Or from the bitches?" Liam asked as we were walking to our home. "If Harry breaks things with us, then don't fucking blame me," I said s we were opening the door. "The kicks boys! The twins are going at it my gosh, come feel!" Harry perks as soon as we walked through the door.

We walked to the living room to see Harry with his feet about his heart like the doctor told him to do when he sits or lays down. We walked over to him and I touched his stomach first, and he moved my hands to where the kicks were happening. They were small, but they still made me tear up.

"Niall...what's wrong?" Harry asked as he was looking right at me. "Don't lie either. The twins will be sad if you lie to their mommy," He added and I sighed. "We need to talk love..." "Yeah we do, now what's wrong?" Harry asked again as he look at all of us. "Um...When you were in training....like 2 years into it...we got drunk," Louis told him. "Okay..." Harry dragged as he grew upset. "Then um...the so called sluts back in high school took advantage..." "How?"

"They dropped things into our drinks...drugging us," I felt the grip on my hand tighten and I was scared to be the last one to say the ending. "They drugged us and took it a step further and slept with us when we had 0 clue as to what was happening," I said. "Oh..." "Harry please understand that we didn't mean to do it!" Louis exclaimed as Harry's face went blank.

"So you cheated on me? On your 'one and only' omega?" Harry asked as he slowly stood up, with the twins putting a weight on him, making it hard for him to do so. "No! We were taken advantage of, there's a difference. We swear that we didn't mean shit by it!" Liam defended. "We love you Harry, and only you. We are so sorry! We were unaware of what was happening! We were too depressed to notice what was going down!" Zayn added.

The four of us were in tears, absolutely scared of Harry leaving us forever. "We want to be with you Harry! We love you! We promise that it was pure shit and it was a dick move for those bitch-" "Jesus Christ I was just kidding! Stop cursing for Christ sake! There are still two babies in here who can hear you know?" Harry asked as he placed his hands on his belly.

"You...your not mad?" I asked. "Oh I'm mad. Just not at you four. When these twins are born and once I see that green card, I will loose my crap at those...female dogs. Eleanor first," Harry said and smiled at us. "You know I can tell when an alpha, or alphas is worth it or not, right?

Like you know I can tell that I can't live without someone or some people in my life right? You boys are worth it. I mean, you saved my life, you protect me, you make me happy, you make me feel loved. I mean, you put a ring on my finger, and I'm carrying your children. If I had this with someone else, then I don't want it. If I was getting married to someone else, then I will back out in .5 seconds.

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