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"Another fucking negative!" Harry shouted frustratingly as he threw away the 27th pregnancy test that came out as negative. "Why can't I get pregnant?!?" Harry frustratingly groaned as he plopped onto our bed. I looked at him as he rubbed his face. After a year of trying for a child, Harry is still not pregnant, and we are just wondering if he's actually a carrier or not.

"I'm going to fucking scream!" "Babe, you need to relax." "Relax? Relax!?! You aren't the one who's supposed to be a carrier and just can't fucking carry a fucking baby. Everyone out there is thinking that we should fucking give up because of how many times that we've tried! Even you freaking families told you to pick another omega who can actually give you a fucking family!" Harry shouted.

He stood up and started to pace. "We got married and I just thought that the fucking honeymoon was going to be the home run, but apparently not. I want a fucking baby, but the baby obviously doesn't want me!"

"Sun, yo-" "Sam got pregnant Lou! He got pregnant after his third fucking try! My youngest triplet, Marcel, is pregnant, and he doesn't even have a wedding ring. Only an engagement ring!"

Yeah...Sam is currently 2 weeks pregnant, and Marcel is 3 weeks...it sometimes makes me think that we are doing something wrong. "Marcel only tried once and he's pregnant, and we are on our 27th fucking try! Is this a sign or some shit?!? Because I swear to you that if I see another negative, then I will loose my shit, and no one would want to be around me when that fucking happens!" "Babe...we can just try again, but if this doesn't work, then after test 30, we will have to see a doctor."

"What? Why?" "Because you may not be a carrier, and we may need to think about looking for a surrogate," Niall said and I nodded. "It's fine if you aren't a-" "I'm a mother fucking carrier," Harry cursed and my eyes widened at his words.

"I know what I am god dammit. My fucking mother wouldn't tell me that I can get pregnant to make me happy. She wouldn't lie to me. There is just something that we have been doing wrong," He said as he sighed and rubbed his temples. "We are going to try again tomorrow, but right now...I need a drink," He said and walked out of the room.

"Wow...he's actually upset about this..." Liam said and I sighed before looking down at my wedding ring. "If he knows about what his body functions is like, then we are going to have to keep trying," I said, twisting my ring around a little.

"Alright, should we look up how to conceive?" Niall asked and I groaned

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"Alright, should we look up how to conceive?" Niall asked and I groaned. "That is going to be the most embarrassing search that I have ever looked up...but I think that's the right move to make," I replied and we pulled up our phones and we looked it up. "Clearing my history right after this..." I said as I pressed the search button.

"Okay so for Harry, the he needs to: Have sex every other day during the fertile window, strive for a healthy body weight, take a prenatal vitamin, eat healthy foods, cut back on strenuous workouts, be aware of age-related fertility declines," Zayn read out loud and we heard a hum, making me drop my phone quickly. I looked up and saw Harry drinking a blood bag.

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