Fire on fire

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Before you get to confused, in this imagine you're an Aerialist and you were with Billie and your best friend at the gym trying a move that almost costed you your life once but you think you can do it.

She said your dancing in the movies. I almost started to believe her than I saw you and I knew

You were heading to Dazzling Aerial Arts Gym with Billie and your best friend Maddie (you can give her a different name or make it a boy) the silks there were as high as the day you attempted the double star drop which was what you were trying today. Billie was terrified because she watched you loose your grip and almost fall 50 feet one day at a competition. It's been 6 months and you wanted to gain your confidence back. You held Billie's hand and walked up to the gym. "Hey Y/n! Got your pass?" "Mhmmm" "why are you shaking?" "I'm attempting the double star drop" "oh please be careful" "I will" "Don't take your eyes off of her Billie" "I promise I won't" "good" "have fun girls" you got your rainbow  aerial leggings and black crop top out of your gym bag and went to the dressing  room to change. As you pulled your hair up into a high pony tail you gave yourself a pep talk "you can do this y/n do this for Billie she believes in you" Billie looked at you with wide eyes taking in your beauty. Before you walked up to the silks she held you in a tight embrace and told you to be safe. You ran to the silks with tiny sickled steps. You looked up at the figure 8 hooked to the ceiling. You started French climbing up the silk to the top as Billie looked at you with fear in her eyes. You got into the final position ready to drop. You dropped but just then the silk slipped off one foot from a weak foot lock. A scream escaped Billie's mouth when you fell to the floor. "Y/N" Maddie screamed "HOLY SHIT BABY" Billie screamed as tears fell from her eyes "MISS JEN" Maddie desperately cried. Billie held you in her arms trying to get you to wake you up but your eyes stayed shut. Miss Jen came running into the gym and gasped "What happened?" "She fell from the top of the silks when she dropped" "I'll go call an ambulance stay here with her and watch her for any distress" "Baby please wake up I need you" no response. Your limp body laid in Billie's arms and she sobbed into your chest. 15 minutes past and there were sirens ringing through the gym. The EMT'S took you from Billie's arms and she got into the back with you. She told Maddie to go to your apartment and get you some things for the  hospital. She decided to call Fin

Finneas: Hey Bil
Billie: Finneas you need to meet me at the hospital. Y/n just fell from the top of the silks
Finneas: Oh god I'll be there in 10
Billie: Okay I love you Fin
Finneas:love you too sis
*end of call*

You were in the ambulance and Billie watched them do medical shit to you and it broke her heart. She didn't want to loose you like this. She blamed herself for this. When the ambulance pulled up to the hospital Billie ran up to Finneas in his car who had his head against the steering wheel crying. When he saw Billie he hugged her tighter than ever before. "They took her in and we can't see her for another 5 hours" "let's stay here with her Bil" "I was going to do that anyways cause I can't leave her" Billie rested on Finneas's shoulder and they cried together and than fell asleep in the waiting room and finally at 8pm the nurse came in and got them. "Before you go in I need to catch you up on her injuries. She has 2 broken ribs and her leg shattered from the impact of the fall so be careful she is healing" "we will thank you" "she's in room 36A" Billie nodded and ran off with Finneas. When she walked in she couldn't bare the sight of your body with casts covering it and machines surrounding it. She took your hand and held it softly trying not to irritate it. "Baby I know you can't hear me but I love you more than you know. Life without you would be hell, I need you here with me" Finneas came behind Billie and rubbed her back as Billie sobbed into the side of the hospital bed she suddenly felt a small grip on her hand. "Baby!" "Bil- oww" "I know it hurts you broke your ribs" "l-lay with m-me" "Billie I don't think that's a good idea" Finneas said with a worried look on his face "Baby I don't want to hurt you" "please mamas I need your touch" "okay but if you start hurting I'm getting up" "okay" Billie laid next to you and looked into your eyes. You grabbed your stomach and started crying" "shit did I hurt you" "no it wasin't you I breathed to deep" "come here I'll hold you" you scooted close to her carefully and put your head on her chest. After 10 minutes you both fell asleep and Finneas went home to check up on Claudia. The next morning Billie carefully got up and went to the cafeteria to get you some food. She got you a bowl of your favorite fruits since your stomach was still sensitive, and an iced coffee. She walked into the room and put the tray down on the table "y/n wake up angel its 9:30 am" She spoon fed you like a baby because of the pain and helped you take your meds. Claudia and Fin knocked on the door. "Hey guys" you said excited to see Claudia. "How are you y/n when Finneas called me when he was on his way to the hospital I was terrified" "Everything hurts but Billie is by my side helping me every step of the way" "I'm glad" "Maddie gave us some stuff to bring here" Claudia gave Billie a bag that had Clothes, a hygiene bag, Blankets, and the stuffed llama Billie gave you on your first date. "Text her and tell her we said thanks" "I will" "so what exactly happened yesterday?" "Well I was with Maddie and Billie at the gym and I tried the double star drop and when I dropped my foot lock slipped" "Oh my god y/n I'm so happy your still with us that was a 50 ft fall" "I hope I can walk again" "you will" Billie assured you. All the sudden you broke down and everyone came to you and comforted you. "Baby what's wrong"  "I want to walk again and I'm an Aerialist Billie I want to be able to fly and let the silks calm my nerves when you're away on tour" "y/n you will walk again and you will be an Aerialist again" Fin tried to calm you. "Baby look at me" Billie lifted your chin with her finger. "You are my strong angel you will be fine it's going to take a while to regain your strength but I will never leave your side through this journey" "thanks guys I needed that" "no problem"

3 months later

You were still in the hospital but today was the day you were going to be discharged. You still had trouble walking but you were ready for home therapy. Billie scooped you up out of the wheelchair and put you in her dodge. She kissed your forhead and hopped into the drivers seat. You held her hand the whole way back to your guy's apartment. You finally got there and Billie carried you inside. It felt so odd to you being in the apartment after 3 months. "Welcome home baby" Billie said as she laid you in the bed.

Time skip cause I'm lazy af

You were starting the home therapy. You felt like a child trying to walk again. "Okay hold onto me and try to walk" you took 10 steps and Billie was so happy. "Yes baby you can do it" she held her arms out letting you try and walk to her but you fell. "Shit" she yelled. "Are you okay?" "Yeah" "let's just do the method where you hold onto me okay?" "Mhmm" after you walked a few feet Billie picked you up and kissed you as you giggled at her reaction. "I'm so proud of you" she held you in her arms as you sat watching the sunset in your back yard. You looked over at the silks in your back yard. You started to cry as memories of the fall came flooding back. "Hey hey what's wrong y/n" you pointed towards the green silks. She held you close to her chest. "Please don't cry angel you will be on your silks soon" "I hope so"

Maybe it's cause I got a little bit older maybe its all that I've been through, I'd like to think it's how you lean on my shoulder and how I see myself with you. I dont say a word but still you take my breath and steal the things I know, there you go saving me from all of the cold. Fire on fire were normally killers with this much desire together we're winners. They say we're out of control and some say we're sinners but don't let them ruin our beautiful rhythms cause when you unfold me and tell me you love me and look in ny eye you are perfection my only direction its fire on fire.

Billie Eilish Imagines~ book 2Where stories live. Discover now