Ballet class 👩‍👧‍👦

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Your POV

Today Everleigh's going to her Ballet class. She has been obsessed with Ballet since she was born when she saw old dance photos of Billie and I. She brags about it constantly but Billie and I sit back and listen just proud of our bean. Billie is downstairs watching paw patrol with Paxton while I'm trying to keep Everleigh from doing a grand jete off the kitchen table but nothing's stopping her. "EVERLEIGH PAIGE O'CONNEL GET OFF THE TABLE NOW" "But mommy I wanna be a ballerina" she put her arms around me and I lifted her off the table. "I know Ev but you can grand jete all you want at dance class just please don't jump off the table" "okay mommy" "now let's go get the new ballet outfit mama ordered I haven't seen it yet" "Hey Billie where's the outfit you bought?" "I put it on the mannequin and the shoes are on the desk with the tights" "thanks baby" "mhmmm" she hummed back. I opened the door. My jaw dropped. Everleigh squealed and ran to the dress. It looked so expensive and I knew it was. The shoes were real satin.

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"BILLIE GET UP HERE" she ran in with Paxton on her hip

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"BILLIE GET UP HERE" she ran in with Paxton on her hip. "Baby why are you yelling" "HOW MUCH WAS THIS" "uhhh" "BILLIE ANSWER ME" "2,000 dollars..." "BILLIE WHY WOULD YOU SPEND SO MUCH ON A DRESS" "Baby look at how happy she is she loves it" "BILLIE I KNOW SHE'S HAPPY BUT YOU CA-" Paxton started crying. I ran up to him and took him from Billie. "Awww baby I'm sorry for yelling I didn't mean to scare you" "it's awight mommy" I love his little w sounds. "Now Everleigh what do you say to mama for buying you this very expensive *gives Billie an evil glare* dress" "Thank you mama I love you" she ran to Billie and hugged her tight. "I love you too Ev"

She looked so cute with her Ballet dress and Ballet bun that Billie put her hair in

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She looked so cute with her Ballet dress and Ballet bun that Billie put her hair in. "Okay Ev are you ready to head to dance class?" "YES" she shouted. "okay come on" I picked her up and buckled her in her carseat

*Time skip to after you dropped Ev off*

Paxton was asleep downstairs while Billie and I were cuddling. "I'm so proud of her she is so dedicated to dance just like I was" Billie said frowning. "Hey hey I know it's hard to think about the injury but you came back stronger I love you" "I love y-" Billie was cut off by my phone going off it was Miss. Lillian, Everleigh's Ballet teacher. "Oh no" Billie said under her breath

Miss. Lillian

Hi Mrs. O'Connell Everleigh fell but it's nothing too serious can you come and pick her up?
Yeah I'll be there in 10
Alright thank you
No problem
*end of call*

"She fell we have to go pick her up its nothing too serious" "okay I'll go get Paxton"

Billie's POV

I hope she's okay I went through it and I don't want her to quit dance because she loves it so much. I ran to Paxton's crib and picked him up as he started to cry. "Shh bubba we have to go pick up sissy she got an owie" I tried to explain it in a way he would understand "oh okay mama" I put him in the carseat next to Ev's and gave him his stuffed animal Lion named Pretzel. I jumped into the front seat panicking. "Billie calm down she is going to be fine" "You don't know that" I was usually the strong one but I was afraid. We pulled up to the studio and ran in with Paxton in my arms. We were greeted by Miss. Lillian. "Hi ladies she is with the girls in the studio she slipped during a pirouette and her ankle twisted" I ran into the studio and I saw all of her ballet buddies giving her hugs, rubbing her back and telling her she will be okay. My poor bean was crying with an ice pack on her swollen ankle. I kneeled down to their level looking at Everleigh. "Mama it hurts I wanna go home" "I know that's why mommy and I are here" "Paxton go to mommy I have to help sissy" his little feet pitter patter over to y/n and she lifts him into her arms. "Can you stand?" "Let me try" she got up but her ankle gave out and she screamed. "Okay clam down Ev I'll carry you" I put her arms around my neck and wrapped her legs around my waist. "Hold on tight" she whined in response. Once we got both of our loves in the back seat we drove to McDonald's to get happy meals. They eat healthy but we felt bad so we let them get their first one in months. "What sides do you want?" I asked looking back at Paxton and Everleigh "Go Gurt please" Ev responded with a small smile. "Appy swices pwease" Paxton said immediately after his big sister. I ordered their food and left. They were like sharks getting a hold of a seal, they were done in 3 minutes.
I carried Ev inside and y/n carried Paxton. We cuddled as a family and watched Trolls 2, Everleigh's favorite movie. Paxton was laying on my chest. I looked over to see Everleigh's head buried in the crook of y/n's neck, both of them sleeping. I realized I was the only one awake when I heard tiny snores coming from Paxton I kissed his tiny little forehead, turned off the movie and closed my eyes. I love my little family I thought to myself as sleep came over me.

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