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Billie's taking Ev to school since she missed the bus this morning. I told her I would take her so she could stay with the twins but she insisted. "Bye mommy" Ev ran up to me and gave me a tight hug "Bye Ev have a good day" "Come on Everleigh we're gonna be late" Billie ran with Everleigh out the door. I wish she would listen to me when I say the twins need her.

Billie's POV
I know y/n didn't want me to take Ev to school but she works so hard and I wanted to prove that I can take care of her. I put on Ev's playlist and drove off. I was driving really fast because I needed to get her there at 8 am and it was already 7:50. All of the sudden I heard a loud crash. It took me a second to realize the car had flipped upside down. I tried to look back at Everleigh but my neck wouldn't move. I could hear piercing screaming and crying coming from Ev. "MAMA MAMA" she cried. "Baby calm down" was all I could say before I passed out

Everleigh's POV
"MAMA WAKE UP" I tried to shake mama awake but she wouldn't open her eyes. I saw red and blue lights and people running to us. A man in a scary outfit got me out "I need 2 ambulances now!" He said then I saw my leg. It had glass in it and it was open. I cried for my mama but they took me away from her. "Calm down sweetie your mama needs a lot of help but I promise you will see her soon do you know anyone's number that we can call?" "My mommy's number" I told her my mommy's number then she wrote it down. "Alright hun thank you for the help now we have to fix your leg do you wanna hold my hand so these nice people can help?" "Yes please" they fixed my leg up and I cried a lot.

I was making breakfast for Paxton when my phone rang. "Hello?" "Yes this is Dr. Myra Harris from Heart Meadow Hospital, your wife and daughter have been in a serious accident" "Oh my god are they..." "no ma'am they are still alive but need immediate medical attention are you able to come?" "Yes I'll just have to drop our son and twin daughters off at their uncles house" "okay thank you" "no problem" I ran to the twins nursery and put them in their car seats just then Paxton woke up from his nap and came in to the nursery. "Bubba go to my room and get the outfit that I picked out for you do you think you can dress yourself?" "Yes mommy" he ran off to the bedroom and got changed as I packed the twins diaper bag. He managed to get his diaper and pants on but he ran out with his shirt stuck on his head and covering his eyes. I pulled it down and put his little arms in the sleeves. "Where aw we goiwing mommy" "I'm taking you and your little sisters to Uncle Finneas and Aunt Claudia's house" "oh okay mommy" I didn't want to tell him about the accident until I could bring him to see them. 

Time skip still Y/n's POV

I got to the front desk of the hospital "are you Mrs. O'Connell?" "Yes" "Your wife has gone into surgery, she has a broken neck, dislocated shoulder and her hand has glass inside of it" my heart broke with every word "What about my baby girl" "she was strapped in securely but her leg was torn open due to the carseat slamming into  broken glass" "holy shit may I please see her" "yes of course she is awake but be careful" "I will thank you so much for taking care of my babies" "you're welcome ma'am room B234 to the left of the elevators" I nodded and ran to her hospital room. There was a nurse playing barbies with her. "Hi I'm so glad to see you" "Mommy!" "thank you for helping my baby" "no problem" "Hi baby!" "Hi mommy" "how ya feelin" "my leggie hurts" "I know but it will get better soon" "I hope so" "where's mama?" "Oh Ev she's really hurt and we can't see her for a while" she bursted into tears "awww baby she's going to be okay she's just gonna take longer than you to heal" "I love you mommy" "I love you too

A/n: this is part one. I'm sorry I took so long to update I'm pretty much in love right now and it's hard to focus on writing a love story when I'm living mine.

Billie Eilish Imagines~ book 2Where stories live. Discover now