Quarantine and chill

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28.05.2020~Los Angeles

Josephines POV:

Whilst putting away the groceries a sudden wave of anxiety and loneliness comes over me. I think about Hero leaving me tomorrow morning. We have been through this pandemic shit together all way through but now he needs to get back home, especially considering that this is the only chance he has in fact. The entire time the flights from L.A to London were cancelled due to the virus, this is the first and maybe the only chance he has to get back home. I won't lie, I am worried about this entire situation, probably like everyone is but I'm even more worried when I think about Hero flying home tomorrow in all this drama.

I will miss him terribly once he's gone because we also don't know when we will see each other next but I understand that he needs to get home, to his family, his friends and his work. Even though he has much more work every now and then here in L.A, most part of his job is still happening in London. Him leaving also means I'm going to be alone again, due to social-distancing I can't just meet my friends or my family. In fact, I haven't seen my family in such a long time. Shortly before hell broke down I was planning on flying over to Perth but my flight was instantly delayed. I wish the same would happen to Hero's flight. Shit. No, stop thinking like that Jo.

It's not like I'm not happy for him to finally see all his loved ones again but it's just damn hard for me to be alone every time he leaves. I would usually call myself in expert when it comes to social-distancing and spending time alone but whenever I'm with Hero and he is about to leave I'm kind of falling in a deep hole. I wish I could just fly over to London with him but that wouldn't be too clever either. I have my entire work here and I also don't want to hand on his leg because that's probably what would happen. I want him to spend quality time with his family and also with his friends, as far as possible. My thoughts are suddenly interrupted when a pair of strong arms lay around my hips.

"What are you thinking about baby?"
I am still confused from my thoughts and actions that I were making.

"Hm? What do you mean?" I feel him chuckle behind me and turn around to look him into his bright green eyes that always seem to darken whenever he looks at me.

"You've been standing in front of the fridge for like what? 5 minutes without doing anything. Is it really that hard putting your groceries away? I mean I know how much of a planner you are and that everything must be organised but come on, it's just a fridge with some groceries" He's full out laughing now, mocking me about being a control freak as always.

I sigh and turn back around to my fridge and groceries." No, funny-Faulkner it's not that hard, I was just lost in my thoughts, nothing else. Despite, you helping me put them away would speed things up a bit more."

He nods and helps me put everything away without commenting again on my big selection of ice cream and chocolate that I took with me. I know I'm going to need all of it once he's gone and I'm left alone with myself. Hero must have noticed that I drifted off once again because he nudges me with his nose.

"Babe, come on. What are you thinking about? You're not even a minute here with me which makes me damn sad considering how much time we have left together." Ouch. Him speaking it all out makes things even worse. I know it's not fair to him but suddenly I can't hold back my tears. All this frustration from the last months, not seeing my family and friends and now him heading home is just too much right now.

"I'm sorry Hero it's just..I will miss you so much, I already miss you so much. We don't know when we will see each other again, I can't just fly over and visit you and I also can't just visit my own family right now which is damn hard as well. And I know none of this is your fault and I'm letting it all out on you know but it's just so much on my mind and I feel like I'm not ready to be left alone with it."

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