Chapter 4

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Back at CCPD, Mitch and Barry walked into the Precinct. Barry went to walk up to Eddie, and Iris kissed him on the lips in front of him. Mitch saw the disgusting look on Barry's face. Mitch chuckled. "Eddie, you know where Joe is?" Barry asked Eddie. Iris was giving him an unreadable look, Barry couldn't tell if she was mad, or sad at him for confessing his feelings towards her on Christmas.
"Uh... I think he's upstairs in your lab." Eddie said thinking out loud towards Mitch and Barry.
"Okay, thanks," Barry said. Mitch and Barry walked together out of the Precinct. They were walking up the stairs.
"What the hell was that Barry?" Mitch asked randomly.
"What was what?"
"All that with Joe's daughter," Mitch asked more clearly.
"Nothing," Barry said.
"Barry, come on, I wouldn't really be where I am now if I couldn't tell what a person is feeling based on looks," Mitch mentioned arching his eyebrows to him.
"Is it that noticeable?" Barry asked embarrassed.
"Believe me when I say you like Eddie as a friend, but Iris being with him is killing you inside," Mitch said.
"I may have confessed my love to her," Barry said.
Mitch gasped and acted like he got pain in his head. "Are you alright?" Barry asked.
"Yeah, it's called pure agony towards you and Iris," Mitch said. "Look, take it from me if you really want to know if she feels the same way or if you want to know if they are going to last, the best thing is to move forward and not let them and you live your life."
When they got to the lab Joe was going through files from the Snart case that he and Mitch and Eddie were working on. "Joe, hey." Barry greeted.
"Hey. I'm glad you're back." Joe said. "I've been going over Snart's file."
"Thanks," Barry said. "Yeah, I need to talk to you."
"The Flash doesn't want to go after Snart." Mitch blurted out.
"What's he talking about?" Joe asked.
"As CSI, my work on this case is done. And as the Flash, I don't think I can focus on Snart right now."
Joe set down his file and crossed his arm. "You mind telling me what brought about this change of heart?" Joe asked.
"This man in yellow," Barry said. "The man that killed my mom, is still out there. I have to be ready to face him, which means amping up my speed. It's a question of priorities."
"Your mom's killer isn't the only reason you've been doing this." Barry nodded his head in annoyance as Joe was reminding him.
"I tried to tell him, Joe," Mitch said putting his hands up in defensive mode.
"You told me that if you could use your powers to save someone from a burning building, you would," Joe said after looking at Mitch.
"Look, Dr. Wells and S.T.A.R. Labs..."
"Ding Ding, there's your answer," Mitch interrupted him.
Barry rolled his eyes at Mitch and turned back to tell Joe. "Dr. Wells and S.T.A.R. Labs are gonna work with you. Cisco thinks he has a way to protect the police against Snart's cold gun." Barry explained.
"Barry, I can understand if you're scared," Joe said sincerely.
"We talked about this. Of course, I'm scared, Joe." Barry said angrily. "This guy could run into the precinct and kill everyone in here in seconds. He threatened Iris. I won't let him hurt the most important people in my life again. If that means devoting every second I have outside this place to getting faster and to stopping him, then that's what I'm gonna do. I'm sorry. I've made up my mind." Barry said and walked out of the room before Mitch or Joe could say anything else to change his mind.

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