Chapter 8

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At an airport hangar, Mitch was in Joe's car with Eddie and Joe waiting for Snart to come out. There were other police officers waiting back for the signal. An airplane was parked inside the airport hangar. The plane had this painting with half of it red and the other side a wintery white. Then off the plane came one of the richest couples in Central City, The Rathaways. Their assistants and their bodyguards were walking with them to their car.
As they were waiting for Snart, Eddie thought it was a good time to get to know Detective Rapp. "Detective Rapp," Eddie said. "Where did you say you were from?"
"The Washington D.C. Police Department." Mitch said not taking his eyes off of the hangar.
"What made you want to come to Central City?" Eddie asked.
"I got let go by my superior officer at D.C.." Mitch admitted.
Joe was ignoring their conversation.
"Where did you get that scar on your face if you're just a cop?" Eddie asked sounding suspicious.
"What is this a TV Interview?" Mitch asked dodging the question. "I will not tell you that, because it is none of your business."
Then they saw a man with a gun up in the air. He was wearing an Eskimo coat. "That's Snart," Joe said as he quickly got out of the car and called a signal for everyone to come out. Snart shot his gun let a blue glow of ice fire in the Hathaway's pathway they were walking, taking out their bodyguards.
Mitch pulled out his Berretta and when back up came him Joe, and Eddie hid behind the shields that S.T.A.R. Labs gave to the CCPD to stop Snart. "Snart freeze!" Joe yelled. Snart fire the cold gun upon the police force that was standing before them with the shields. When he stopped Mitch went behind a box of crates and tried to create the element of surprise. When he went to shoot his gun at Snart another man came out with a gun with an orange tank on top of the gun. "Mick!" Snart yelled for him.
"What the hell?" Mitch said under his breath.
"Gaaaah!" Mick sighed. "Why do they call you people the heat? I'm the heat!" He stated. Then all hell broke loose with fire blasting everywhere. When Mick moved it towards where Mitch was hiding the containers exploded. Mitch luckily only had cuts and bruises and was knocked out. He looked a little banged up. When Mitch woke up from lying on his stomach on the ground. Mitch went to go stand up and he felt a burning sensation on his arm. Mitch said his favorite four-letter word about five times in one sentence in a feeling of agony. Snart and his buddy Mick were gone. Not only was Mitch banged up but there were other people that got burned bad. Joe walked up to Mitch. "MITCH!" Joe called out to him.
Mitch let out a cough of smoke. "Yeah!" he called to signal he was over by the blown-up containers.
Joe went to help him up and touched the spot on the arm that is burnt. Mitch yelled in pain. "EDDIE!" Joe yelled for him. "WE NEED HELP OVER HERE!"
"Joe, I just need to get up I'm fine," Mitch said letting out another cough of smoke.
Eddie ran over and helped Joe get him off the ground. Eddie and Joe got him to the ambulance to get him checked out by a paramedic. The paramedic attended to him with alcohol swabs and patch him up and then wrapped his arm up and had him breathe in some clean air. Mitch did it for not even five minutes then got up to meet up with Joe. "Now what do we do?" Mitch said looking for an idea from Joe.
"You sit and rest." Joe insisted on him.
"No, this isn't my first time getting blown up," Mitch said. "I'm helping whether you want me to or not."
"Fine," Joe said. "We got to regroup at CCPD."
Mitch nodded his head and walked with him and Eddie to Joe's car to get back to the Precinct to come up with a new plan.

MItch Rapp's Mission to Central City Book 3: Revenge of RoguesWhere stories live. Discover now