People From the Past

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A/N: This one has a swear word. Just a heads up if that bothers you.

Nancy Bobofit

Nancy had been expelled from Yancy, which sucked. It wasn't her fault that she had slapped the girl that stole her boyfriend. That girl was asking for it. It wouldn't have been that bad, but her mother and father had just broken up, so there wasn't enough money to send her to another private school.

Which meant a public school.

Nancy had never been to one, but she didn't think it sounded good. Anyone could go to a public school, but private schools make sure not too many weirdos are accepted. And the public school was specifically for child delinquents. Sort of like Yancy, but that also meant that the kids that went to jail would be there.

She was straightening her red hair when her mother walked in. "You're going to have to walk to school."

"What? Why?" Nancy demanded, turning around, the iron still in her hand.

"I'm taking the car to work, and your school's only two blocks down," her mother reasoned.

"Why can't you just drop me off?" Nancy asked desperately.

Her mother sighed. "I'm going to be late if I do. I need to go now."

"Mom!" Nancy yelled, appalled, but her mother had already left the apartment. "Thanks," she grumbled.


Goode was way too peppy in Nancy's opinion. Too many colorful banners, and too many people. Unsuspecting people, too. Nancy could easily steal so many things, but she resisted the urge. She'd have no where to go if she was expelled from this school.

"Hi!" a girl greeted her happily. Nancy knew she had to at least try and make friends, but the girl's hair just screamed at her to stay away. "Nancy Bobofit, right?"

"Yeah," Nancy replied breezily. "Why?"

"Well, since you're a new kid, you've been assigned a student guide. Me."

"What joy," Nancy drawled sarcastically, hoping the girl would get the hint and talk the least amount as possible.

"Well," the girl said, oblivious to Nancy's hint of hatred, "I'm Clary. Here's your schedule. You have all of your classes with me, and if you want, we can eat lunch together, since you don't have any friends yet and it might be embarrassing if you eat all alone."

"I like to eat privately," Nancy snapped. "Is there anywhere like that?"

"The library, of course. No one eats there," Clary scoffed. "But you really should eat with me and my friends. The librarian's a jerk."

"Just - fine. Whatever," Nancy finally conceded. She'd be able to find some friends soon enough, and she could ditch Clary.

Clary clapped, the bracelets on her right hand rattling almost as annoying as her. "You'll love my friends!"

"Yep." Nancy pressed her lips in a thin line. "Can't wait."

Nancy thought that no one could be more annoying than Clary, but then she met her friends. Oh, how Nancy wanted to strangle them all. It wasn't a big group of friends, and she could tell they weren't popular.

How humiliating. First getting kicked out of her private school, and now being stuck with loners.

"Nancy!" Clary said, waving her arms around, so she had no choice but to go where she was sitting. "It's Clary, remember?"

"Of course I remember," Nancy snapped. "You've been talking to me this entire day."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." Clary smiled at her apologetically. "I've just been so excited for someone new to be added to our group."

If that's what this chick thought, she was in for a surprise. Nancy would find someone else soon. She'd probably become friends with the girls on the volleyball team, which she was going to try out for. She probably wouldn't get in it, but at least she could make friends during tryouts.

Before Nancy could snap at Clary again, she continued speaking. "These are my friends: Allie, Zachary, Grace, and London." Each person nodded at their respective name. Clary glanced at the table. "Oh, and Percy's buying his lunch."

Percy. Nancy had never liked that name. It reminded her of the annoying Percy Jackson who she met in sixth grade. And if he hanged out with these people, she immediately hated him, but she hated him even more because of his name.

But then Allie made a faint gesture with her hand, all too focused on her food. "He's coming."

Nancy saw him, and she could only think of that same black hair and green eyes. It had to be Percy Jackson. The kid she hated at Yancy, and still hated.

"Hey," he greeted casually, not really taking in Nancy as he slid his tray into the table.

"Perce," Clary said, "this is Nancy."

"'Sup?" Percy said, but then he got a proper look at her. "Nancy?"

Nancy noticed how he'd definitely matured since they were twelve. "Yeah."

"Nancy Bobofit, by any chance?" he asked.

"Duh, idiot," she snapped.

"Of course," Percy said. "Naturally."

"I'm not sitting with you," Nancy declared, standing up.

"Fine," he conceded with no argument. "Do whatever you want."

She had wanted him to make a fuss, but he didn't. She wanted him to insist she stay, and she would grudgingly apologize for her behavior towards him at Yancy, but he didn't. He had let her go.

Just like Nancy deserved, which she knew.

She never spoke to him again. She had indeed made friends with some girls who weren't that annoying, and had even gotten herself a boyfriend. But half way through the year, her mother had gotten remarried, and she was sent to a private school.

While she was grabbing her things out of her locker, Percy Jackson passed her. "Hey," she snapped, grabbing his arm.

"Yeah?" He turned to her, obviously annoyed.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For being a total bitch to you in sixth grade," Nancy sneered. "Just... whatever."

"Hey," Percy called. She didn't turn around, but he still said, "Thanks," and he knew she heard it.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. My only excuse for the reason I haven't update is I've been working on seven new stories and I forgot about the story I have already.

While I've noticed that most stories with Nancy include her getting a tiny crush on Percy because he's hot, and her completely regretting what she did and how she was a changed person, but I decided I didn't want to do that. Yes, Nancy regretted what she did a little, but not that much. By the way, I'm sorry if the swear word offended you.

I hope you enjoyed this story. Merry Christmas!

Any ideas for new chapters? Please? I don't know what to do next, and I'd love to hear ideas.

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