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Alonso Frame

It was no secret that nearly every girl, and some boys, including Alonso, had a crush on Percy Jackson. He was, undeniably, perfect. His smile could cure any disease, and despite having a 'bad boy' reputation, he was probably the sweetest person on the planet.

That was just what people thought of him when they didn't know him. If you knew him, like Alonso did, he seemed to become more attractive. He was even nicer if you were close to him, always helping you out if you felt uncomfortable because of someone else. He was funny, too, with a sarcastic and slightly twisted sense of humor, but absolutely hilarious nonetheless.

He had went missing for about a year, and when he came back, he was even more prepossessing than before. He was more muscular, taller, and broader. But he was still Percy, the same genial person everyone loved.

So of course Alonso had a tiny crush on Percy. Lots of girls and boys had tried, but all had failed. Lots of people said he had a girlfriend (he had even confirmed it with Alonso that he did), and he was loyal to her, which Alonso found adorable, because, come on, Percy was probably on the most faithful people on Earth.

Alonso wasn't crushed when Percy had told him he had a girlfriend. Of course not. He knew he had no chance with Percy anyway, and his crush wasn't even that big. It wasn't huge, he knew that Percy was straight. It would go away in a week, maybe two, because Percy was already taken, and Alonso didn't have his hopes up in the first place.


Alonso was at the front office after school, grabbing some papers for Dr. Boring. He had detention (he might've flipped someone off during a football game and an administrator saw it), but the teacher in charge of it couldn't care less what you did during the time after school, so he walked around, helping the teachers.

He knew Percy was probably done with his swim practice (he had seen a bunch of members of the team walking out of the school together) and he could probably hitch a ride with him.

"Excuse me," a voice said behind him.

Alonso turned around rather jerkily (he hadn't heard anyone come up behind him) and almost dropped the papers. A girl with curly blonde hair was standing there.

"Sorry," he apologized awkwardly, even though he didn't quite know what he was apologizing for.

She laughed. "I was wondering if you could help me find a friend, Percy?"

"Percy Jackson?" At her nod, he continued. "Oh, yeah. He's in the pool."

She stared at him when he didn't continue. "Thanks. Could you tell me how to get there?" she prompted.

"Oh." Stupid. "Of course. Yeah. Follow me."

He started to lead her towards the pool when she spoke up again. "Thanks again. I'm Annabeth, by the way."

Annabeth was the name of Percy's girlfriend. He had no idea what she looked like (Percy claimed he had no pictures of her, saying she hated cameras) but he had given Alonso a deep enough description of her, and this girl matched it. Gray eyes, blonde hair, tan.

"Oh," he said when he realized she was staring at him expectantly. "Alonso," he introduced.

She nodded, smiling at him with perfect white teeth. She was really pretty, he supposed, and most guys would probably be head over heels for her.

He walked into the pool room, seeing Percy sitting at the edge of the water, his feet dangling in. He looked up when he heard the door open, and his eyes lit up like a little kid when he saw Annabeth.

"Annabeth!" he yelled, getting up and slipping a little.

She giggled quietly when he fell, but other than that, she didn't comment on it. He ran up to her and hugged her, laughing for no reason.

Alonso was being a third wheel, so he softly slid out of the room. He heard them talking excitedly to each other, their voices rushed, as if they couldn't waste a second in the other's presence. He heard them laughing, not even noticing that he had left. He walked away quickly, not wanting to pry into their business anymore. He would just walk home.


How do people write endings? I'm so crap at them like what even.

This story got over 500 votes, so I decided I would write a one-shot, but it turned out kind of short, so it's technically a Drabble. Eh.

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