Arrival in Remnant

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(Y/n) POV

     I am a high ranking elite of the Blackstone legion, I am bound to obey my warlord. However, I am also a Lawbringer and am honor bound to uphold the law and fight for peace. So you can imagine my hesitation when the legion arrives at a storehouse, but I am ordered to escort the ram to the gate. The ram is finally at the gate and I start using it to smash the gate down, I try to release the ram but the crank is stuck. I am told by one of the foot soldiers that a ballista bolt is stuck in the gears, I climb the ladder and attempt to get the bolt out. When I do, I hear a warcry from behind me, I turn around and barely block a strike from the Viking chieftain. As I shove the chieftain behind me, the ram finally smashes the gate down and with it some of the ramparts above. the rubble from the rampart smashes the front of the ram and launches me through the gate and leaves me dazed. I come to and our warlord, Apollyon, helps me up and I continue forward and take out the archers then move onto the inner gate to the actual storehouse. I am stopped again by the Viking Chief this time though he uses dogs to attack me and put me off balance. Thanks to my training I am able to turn the tables on the Chief and break down the gate, the Chief wants to keep fighting me but is encouraged to go and see to the storehouse. The legion continues to burn the place to the ground, I realized too late why we're really here and I'm on the wrong side. I reach the burning grain house and see the Chieftain on his knees like his spirit was broken because the food that his people depend on has been destroyed. I start walking to him and stop when I see his weapon on the ground, I pick it up and slide it to the Viking. The man picks up his sword and readies himself and he is pissed, he starts by doing a jumping overhead strike, but I am able to parry the attack. I then use the spearhead and slice the Chief's leg, he drops down and I slice the axe across his chest. The Chieftain can't fight anymore and falls to his knees.

(Y/n): You have fought well, Warrior.

Viking: To Hel with you.

The Chieftain then lays down and passes into the afterlife, I look around at the burning buildings and wonder why? I turn and see Mercy, our Peacekeeper, knowing she might be able to shed some light onto our true mission.

(Y/n): Mercy, why are we here?

Mercy: .....

(Y/n): I know you know.

Mercy: Famine. This fortress houses their seed grain. There will be no new harvest, by winter the Vikings will be killing each other over what little food remains.

I grab the Blackstone medallion and make my final decision, I turn back to Mercy and tell her.

(Y/n): I took an oath to fight for peace. *throws the medallion away* So did you, all of you.

I walk away from the fortress knowing I have abandoned my duty as a Lawbringer but the Blackstone Legion only fights for war and is not a cause I can be apart of anymore.

Timeskip 3 Months

I have been on the road for a while trying to figure out what to do, I'm a rouge Lawbringer with no warlord to serve. I am walking to another town when I hear a noise behind me, I turn too late as some sort of doorway opens and sucks me in. I end up on the other side of the portal and land on the ground hard, but remain conscious.

(Y/n): Ow, how does Mercy stick those landings? *notices something* Whoa, what's wrong with my voice? Ahem. Better?

(A/N): No.

I find a pond and lift the faceplate of my helmet and see that I have somehow gotten younger.

(Y/n): How did this happen? Where am I?

I then look up in the sky and see the moon but not my moon, this one is shattered. What on earth is going on here? I then hear a low growl, I turn around and see a black wolf looking creature with bone like protrusions coming from it's body. I ready my poleaxe as more of these monsters show up and surround me. The biggest one lets out a loud growl and the pack goes on the attack, this is new so I am not taking any chances.

Blake POV

Team RWBY are in the Emerald forest training against a horde of Grimm. As we start to head back, my faunus hearing picks up fighting and roaring from a fair distance away.

Blake: Guys, I think there's someone else out here.

Ruby: What do you hear Blake?

Blake: Someone is up against Grimm, seems to be alone.

Weiss: Well then what are we waiting for, that person might need help.

Yang: Alright! More Grimm to punch!

We head towards the noise, we make it to a clearing in the forest and see a big horde of Grimm. One Grimm jumps but is smacked back through several trees, we look to see a man in armor swinging a halberd struggling to take out the Beowolves.

Ruby: Ladybug!

We spring into action as Ruby shoots forward, she and I cross each other in a scissor like motion, taking out several Grimm. I'm about to get hit but use my Semblance to avoid it as Weiss rushes and stabs the Beowolf, she and I then use our Checkmate combo move and take a few more. The last one is an Alpha and goes for the armored man, the man responds by ducking under the Alpha Beowolf and stabs it with the spearpoint of his halberd and lifts up the Grimm until his weapon is straightened then kicks it out as the Beowolf dies and turns to ash. The man then pants heavily and looks around for more, his gaze then lands on me and my team.

(Y/n): Who are you?

Weiss: We could ask you the same thing Mr.....?

(Y/n): (Y/n) (L/n), I am a Lawbringer from the land Ashfield.

Yang: Wasn't he speaking English a second ago. *Blake elbows Yang* Ow.

Blake: Sorry about that, but I don't believe any of us have heard of Ashfield before.

(Y/n): Where am I? What is this place? What were those things?

Ruby: You've never heard of Grimm before?

(Y/n): What's a Grimm?

Weiss: That's a no. Grimm are souless monsters that seek to destroy every living thing they come across and are attracted to negative emotions.

Ruby: To answer your other questions, this place is the country of Vale. The four of us make up Team RWBY. I'm Ruby Rose.

Weiss: Weiss Schnee, a pleasure to make your aquaintince.

Blake: Blake Belladonna.

Yang: Last but not least, I'm Yang Xiao Long, but you can call me whatever you like handsome.

(Y/n): Hmm, so that portal must've magically teleported me here, but why?

Blake: Wait, teleported, as in you came from another world?

Weiss: That can't be true, right?!

Ruby: Whether it's true or not it's clear you're not from around here. So how about you come with us and we can help get aquainted with this world, please?

(Y/n): How do I know I can trust you?

     Ruby then puts her weapon on the ground and walks up to this giant of a man. She gestures for us to do the same, and we do. This seems to put him at ease a little and he lowers his weapon and agrees to come with us. We pick up our weapons and head back to Beacon, while we walk, I can't help but steal glances at him. I haven't even seen his face and I already feel some sort of attraction to him. I wanna learn more about him.

(A/N): Hey guys so what do you think? Leave me your thoughts and enjoy the rest of your day. PEACE OUT!!!

The Knight of Team RWBY (For Honor Lawbringer x Team RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now