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     Ruby and the other girls are taking on Salem, Weiss, Blake and Yang are trying to give Ruby an opening to use her silver eyes powers to end Salem once and for all.

(Y/n) POV

     I am battling Grimm after Grimm and helping out as best as I can. I see Jaune in the distance and make my way towards him.

(Y/n): Jaune!

Jaune: *looks around surprised* (Y/n)?! You're back?!

(Y/n): Never mind that now! How we doing!

Jaune: We rallied all that we could but there are just too many Grimm!

(Y/n): Give me your communicator?!

     Jaune hand me an ear piece and I start talking to rally the warriors assembled here.

3rd Person POV

(Y/n): Warriors! Hear me now! Do not give into fear! Salem knows she need to break us or lose this conflict! If we stand up to her, united, all Remnant may be freed, and the life of the world may move forward into a broad and sunlit future...

     Everyone listens intently and hears (Y/n)'s words.

(Y/n): But if we fail, then the whole world and all that we've known and cared for, will sink into an abyss of a new Dark Age!

     Team RWBY hears the familiar voice and are revitalized and continue to take on Salem.

(Y/n): Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duty, and so bear ourselves that if Remnant lasts for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was our finest hour'!

     The army of Huntsmen and other warriors roar with renewed vigor and start to really fight back against the Grimm. They fight for the fate of not only themselves but for the fate of the world. Team RWBY continue fighting and finally get the upper hand when Ruby releases her powers onto Salem at full power. After the energy dies down, Salem is permanantely turned to stone and her threat to humanity is finally over.

     (Y/n) was about to take a hit from a King Taijitu, but turns to ash before it connects. (Y/n) then looks around and sees all the Grimm start turning to ash as well. That can only mean one thing, Salem has been defeated. All of humanity started cheering as the threat of the Grimm is finally over. As Team RWBY walk out of Salem's fortress they are congratulated by everyone. Ruby then spots (Y/n) through the crowd and grows the biggest smile on her face ever.

Ruby: (Y/N)!

     Team RWBY all tackle (Y/n) into a long awaited hug and they all have tears in their eyes.

Ruby: We're so happy you're back.

Weiss: Indeed, I started to wonder if you were ever coming back.

Blake: I never doubted for a second.

Yang: We missed you big guy.

(Y/n): And I missed you, more than you know.

     After the battle was over, Team RWBY have not left (Y/n)'s side for a second. The group sees to the wounded, while (Y/n) pays his respects to the fallen and writes his condolences to their families. (Y/n) rejoins Team RWBY who are speaking to a couple of older gentlemen, Ruby sees me and excitedly pulls (Y/n) to the group.

Ruby: (Y/n), I want you to meet me and Yang's dad and uncle. Taiyang and Uncle Qrow meet (Y/n) (L/n), our fiancee.

     A moment of silence.

The Knight of Team RWBY (For Honor Lawbringer x Team RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now