Beacon and New Friends

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(Y/n) POV

     Team RWBY escorts me to what they refer to as Beacon Academy. Ruby is the only one asking questions but their just about my weapon.

Ruby: Your weapon is so cool! Does it turn into a gun or anything?!

(Y/n): No.

Ruby: Can it use dust to enhance your attacks?!

(Y/n): No.

Ruby: Do you have special name for it?!

Weiss: Ruby, it's clear you're bothering (Y/n) curb the excitement, please?

Ruby: Are you kidding a man from another world, I've got so many questions!

(Y/n): This is just really overwhelming to me. I don't have anything like this where I come from.

Blake: What was your world like?

(Y/n): *sigh* I'm not sure young people like you need to hear it. Plus I'm still not entirely sure I can trust you, yet.

Blake: Understandable, I guess.

     We continue walking for a few minutes and we come to a city. It looks so advanced, and clean. There were definitely no cities this nice in Ashfield. We passed by various stores with objects and clothing I have never seen before. We then approach a strange machine, I stop as I am unsure of this. Blake notices and checks on me and sees the problem.

Blake: Never flown have you?

(Y/n): No Ma'am.

Ruby: No need to worry friend!

Yang: You can hang onto me all you like~

Weiss: Yang, stop it. You'll be fine (Y/n).

     This calmed me down enough to follow the girls onto the machine, Weiss for some reason kept an arm around mine as we took off, honestly it was much appreciated. We come over top a cliff and I see the most amazing fortress I have ever seen.

 We come over top a cliff and I see the most amazing fortress I have ever seen

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(Y/n): Whoa.

Yang: Yeah, it's nice isn't it.

(Y/n): And this is supposed to be a school?

Weiss: Indeed.

(Y/n): For what purpose?

Ruby: This and three other schools around the world are designed to train warriors to fight against the Grimm.

Weiss: We all came here for various reasons but we all want to try and make the world a little safer.

(Y/n): You're all warriors?

Ruby: We're trying to be.

     The flying machine lands, we disembark and head to the courtyard. I see a man with gray hair, wearing glasses and a woman with blonde hair with a crop whip. The pair seem to be walking to us and this puts me on edge. Blake then fills me in.

Blake: It's alright, that's Headmaster Ozpin, he runs the Academy and that's Professor Glynda Goodwitch, she's the combat instructor.

Ozpin: Team RWBY, good to see your still in one piece and who is this. *(Y/n) readies for combat*

Yang: Easy there big guy, they're friendly, honest.

Glynda: Who is this?

Weiss: I think it would be wise to discuss this, privately.

Ozpin: Indeed. Sir, if you will lower your weapon we can talk about this in a peaceful manner.

(Y/n): Yeah, I've heard that before.

Ruby: Please? *puppy eyes*

(Y/n): ....Fine.

     We all head inside, get into another strange machine and it transported us to the top of the school.

Ozpin: Please have a seat? Take a chance to calm down, your heart is racing.

     I stab my weapon into the floor and sit down in a chair, the others take seats as well.

Ozpin: Care for a drink? Coffee, tea?

(Y/n): No thank you. I just have a lot of questions.

Ozpin: Of course, maybe if you tell us how you came here.

     I tell them about the teleportation then the encounter with Team RWBY, Ozpin then seems to be thinking about what I told him. I then feel a hand and see Ruby smiling, I just then noticed he silver eyes, they're quite beautiful. Ozpin then calls my attention back.

Ozpin: Well, it seems you might've been sent here for a reason that is clear enough. So, until we figure out why you were sent here why don't you stay at the academy, then maybe we can help each other.

(Y/n): *thinks for a minute* I suppose I can stick around for a while.

Ruby: YES! A new friend!

Glynda: Sir we have a slight problem, we don't have adequete space for our new student.

Ruby: Oh, he can stay with us.

Yang: Yeah, it'll be fun.

Weiss: In a dorm full of girls?

Blake: As long as (Y/n) is ok with it, I won't have a problem with it.

(Y/n): I'll try to not inconvienence you, Madam.

Weiss: Well, I suppose he does have nice manners.

Ozpin: Well then, (Y/n) I will try and help you but for now I need you to be patient.

(Y/n): Thank you for believing me.

Ozpin: Trust me, I have seen much weirder things.

     Team RWBY and I walk out and start to head down the strange machine, called an elevator, when Weiss then realizes something.

Weiss: (Y/n), you didn't happen to bring any clothes with you did you?

(Y/n): I never really left my armor, so I never carried a change of clothes, why?

Weiss: We're gonna need to do some clothes shopping before we head to the dorm room. If you're okay with that.

(Y/n): I suppose, but I have no idea what I'm suppose to wear.

Weiss: *smirks* Just stick with me and I can help.

     With that said Weiss escorts me to a clothing store that seemed way out of my price range. However, Weiss seemed confident this was it. After 2 hours we went back to Beacon and to the team dorm room. We get there and there is a problem.

Yang: I guess we didn't consider that there are only four beds and five of us. Well he could always sleep with one of us.

(Y/n): I don't want to make things uncomfortable, so I'll sleep on the floor tonight. Besides, your beds look like they can only hold one person.

     I go to the bathroom and take the first shower I've ever had, years of dirt and war washed away. I got dressed in some sleepwear and went back out and saw the girls all ready for bed. Something catches my attention, I wander to a bookcase and grab a book.

Blake: Interested?

(Y/n): I never had a lot of time to read in the Legion.

Blake: You were a soldier?

     This gets everyone elses attention and I grab a book and sit down in between the beds and start to explain.

(Y/n): My world has been ravaged by a thousand years of war.

(A/N): Hope you guys enjoyed and have a great rest of your day. PEACE OUT!!!

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