Battle of Beacon

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(Y/n) POV

     The Battle of Beacon has begun and team RWBY are fighting off Grimm and Atlas robots.

(Y/n): How's everyone doing?!

Ruby: Surviving!

Weiss: Things could be worse.

Blake: Really, how?

Yang: We can't give up now!

(Y/n): Agreed, we need to buy the citizens of Vale time to escape!

Ruby: What about Cinder and that Grimm Wyvern?!

(Y/n): Let me handle that.

Weiss: What is that supposed to mean?!

     I rush away from the group as a Nevermore makes a pass and jump on. It notices me and tries to flip me off, I simply stab my poleaxe into it's neck and try to steer it towards the Wyvern. Once I get above it, I finish off the Nevermore and jump off onto the Wyvern. I end up landing on it's lower back, how does Ruby make this look so easy. I start making my way to it's head, but the Wyvern notices me and tries to throw me off as well. I hang on and whenever the Grimm levels off I try to make my way tp the monster's head. Eventually, I make it and use my dagger to stab out it's eyes, then stab my poleaxe, now named Grimmsever, into the thing's neck. The creature roars as it dies and I steer the dying monster towards the top of Beacon Tower. There I jump off and land on the tower and am face to face with Cinder.

Cinder: Ah, the legendary Lawbringer. Have you come to witness the end of your world?

(Y/n): I have come to accept your surrender.

Cinder: You think you can stop me? I possess power that you can only dream of.

(Y/n): You're lust for power has blinded you to what true power is. True strength comes from the willingness to lay down your life to protect the people or the world you care about.

Cinder: Then you will die along with all of humanity!

     Cinder throws a string of fireballs, I dodge most of them and deflect the others. In the smoke I light a flashbang, Cinder then uses fire to charge me and throw me into a wall. But she fell into my trap, the flashbang goes off and disorients Cinder. Then I had preset high explosives and they blow. I recover and ready myself, the smoke clears and Cinder sends a big fireball. I dodge right and charge for her, I hit her with a light slice, then a stab. I then go into a overhead heavy attack.

(Y/n): Ad mortem inimicus!

     The attack connects and digs halfway into Cinder's torso. As I tear my weapon out of her, she tries to punch me. To which I respond by simply moving my axe in front of me and Cinder ends up punching the sharp blade and gets stuck on it. She screams in pain and even more as I manipulate my weapon with her hand still stuck and stab Cinder through the bottom of her skull. I then toss her dead body to the ground, a power then rises from her corpse and moves to a very exhausted Pyrrha. I walk to Pyrrha and help her up, she is extremely grateful.

Pyrrha: You really are a Knight. Thank you.

(Y/n): I never give up until the battles over. Come on, I think you owe Jaune an apology.

     Pyrrha giggles and we walk down the tower and see the Grimm either running away or dead. I look around and while we were victorious, it wasn't without cost, I wander to the various bodies of our fallen brethren and give them their final goodbyes. I then feel someone give me a tight hug, I look down and see Ruby with tears coming to her eyes, Weiss, Blake and Yang are not far behind and a group hug is given.

The Knight of Team RWBY (For Honor Lawbringer x Team RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now