Adam vs Lawbringer

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3rd Person POV

     (Y/n) is fighting his way through White Fang grunts, like throwing wood into a woodchipper, all the while he is calling out to Adam, telling Adam to face him in combat. Eventually, (Y/n) comes to a large room and there are grunts everywhere. The grunts charge him when-

(Y/n): STOP! Adam! Adam, show yourself!

     The grunts stop in their tracks and look at eachother in confusion, until a slow clapping can be heard.

Adam: Well done, for a human, you've made it this far, but now starts the reckoning of the Faunus people!

(Y/n): I didn't ask for this! You brought this on yourself when you kidnapped my friends for petty revenge!

Adam: Petty revenge? Did Blake ever tell you about her and me? I loved her, I tried to give her the equality she desired, but she abandoned me, and her people.

(Y/n): I don't care what happened in the past, the past does not define who we are, only what we do right now! So, I am giving you a choice, I challenge you to a trial by combat! The fight will be you vs me in fair and honorable combat! The fight shall be to the death! I only ask that if I win, you let my friends and I leave peacefully!

Adam: I will accept your challenge only to watch you die while your "friends" watch.

     Adam jumps down from his ledge and lands a few meters away and draws his sword. (Y/n) detaches his hidden blade, dagger and bombs and lay them away from the fighting area. He and Adam circle eachother waiting for the other to make a move.

     Adam charges at (Y/n) and jumps into a overhead slash, (Y/n) just manages to block and deflect Adam's attack. (Y/n) uses a sideways light attack, which Adam swiftly blocked. (Y/n) anticipated this and used the momentum from Adam's block to go overhead and strike with the bottom of the poleaxe. Adam stumbled back, but quickly recovered and tried to strike at (Y/n). (Y/n) blocked and parried the attack and used his Impaling Charge and pushed Adam back several feet. Adam recovered and slashed three times at (Y/n)'s armor. (Y/n) tried to back hand but Adam spun to dodge and sliced at (Y/n), as (Y/n) tried to recover he sliced at Adam. Adam ducked as he spun again and sliced at (Y/n) inner thigh. (Y/n) grunts and dropped to one knee, Adam tries to slice at (Y/n)'s neck, but (Y/n) manages to block. (Y/n) pushes back as hard as he can and forces himself to his feet. Adam tries to push back but to no avail, (Y/n) then headbutts Adam, disarms him, and delivers a massive front kick to Adam's chest. (Y/n) takes the opportunity to grab his poleaxe, and waits for Adam to get to his feet. Once Adam does get to his feet he dodges an attack from (Y/n) and grabs his katana.

(Y/n): We can still stop this Adam! Give me my friends and let go of the hate.

Adam: What's the matter? Afraid of dying?

(Y/n): Sure I'm scared, but I will always rise above that fear and do whatever it takes to do what's right.

Adam: Then you will die as you ever were, a failure.

(Y/n): The only reason you will fail is because you refuse to let go of the past!

     Adam angrily charges (Y/n), (Y/n) responds by using a series of slices and stabs to throw Adam off. However, Adam is easily blocking everything (Y/n) throws at him. Adam then deflects a slice and throws (Y/n) off balance, Adam then activates his Semblance and throws it all at (Y/n). (Y/n) is sent flying into the wall and leaves a small crater in the wall. (Y/n) falls out of the wall and hits the ground flat on his chest. Adam catches his breath and walks to (Y/n)'s seemingly unconscious body.

Grunt: Well done Sir.

Adam: He was exceptional though. He made me use my full power against him.

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