For Honor

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(Y/n) POV

     Unbeknownst to the girls, I did have some sort of unknown feelings towards the team. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, because it was a feeling I've never felt before. I then notice something else...

(Y/n): It's not like them to be out this late. I should try and find them.

     I equip my armor, my weapons, as well as my new cape and head into town and look in places the girls normally hang out. I then make it to the town square, I look around and initially find nothing. Then something shimers in the sunlight, I walk to it and see Weiss' necklace. As I pick it up, I see multiple shoe and boot prints most of which did not come from the girls. I look around a bit more and see there was evidence of a scuffle that took place here, bullet casings, scorch marks and even slashes from blades. The girls have been kidnapped, by who, I don't care. These bastards have my team and I am honor bound to protect them. I start to follow the tracks away from the city and deep into the Emerald forest.

     After a few hours I finally find evidence that I am catching up to the kidnappers. I then see what looks to the ruins of a city in the distance and the tracks seem to be leading there. I get to the edge of the city and spot two people wearing identical hooded outfits with some sort of symbol.

 I get to the edge of the city and spot two people wearing identical hooded outfits with some sort of symbol

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(Y/n): I wonder if this is the White Fang, Blake talked about. Either way those two are going to answer my questions.

     I sneak up on them as best as I can and surprise the two gaurds and knock them out. I take them somewhere into the woods, tie them to trees and wait till the pair wake up. They both start to wake and I stab my poleaxe into the ground and walk up to them.

(Y/n): Ah, finally you're awake. How was your nap, good? So, here's how this is going to work, I am going to ask questions and you are going to answer them. If I find them truthful, you get to walk away alive, if not, well, you're gonna look pretty funny without a head.

    I take out my dagger and sharpen it against my gauntlet and as I approach the two, they start laughing.

(Y/n): *chuckles* You think this is funny? *continues chuckling* This is actually quite funny.

     I quickly activate my hidden blade and stab it into one of the grunt's throat, while the other screams, but I gagged him so he can't really be heard. I clean off the hidden blade and move to the still live one.

(Y/n): I'm sorry about that, he seemed like a funny guy. Had a real sense of humor. Now what's your name?

Grunt: *muffled speech*

(Y/n): Oh, I'm sorry. Let me get that for you. *removes gag* How many men do you have inside the city?

Grunt: You'll nev-

     I put my free hand over his mouth and stab the grunt in the leg, he screams but it's muffled. Once he stops screaming, I take my hand off his mouth.

(Y/n): Now, let's try this again. Why did you take the girls?

Grunt: Our leader, Adam Taurus, wanted revenge against Blake, because she betrayed the faunus. The others are just collateral damage, especially the Schnee, who are the most discr-

     Having all the information I need, I finish off the grunt, grab my poleaxe and head into the ruins. I come across some more White Fang grunts and approach them.

(Y/n): I have come for Adam and him alone. Stand down and you'll be spared.

     They do not heed my warning and start firing, I grab a boulder and put it in front of me as I charge. I hit the group and start taking out the grunts that choose to fight, the ones that surrender or run I let go.

Blake POV

      I come to and I am bound to a chair, I look around and see my teammates chained to a wall, a little worse for wear but alive. The door opens up and Adam walks through and approaches me.

Adam: Good to see you're awake. I wouldn't want you to miss the suffering I have planned for you.

Blake: This is between you and me Adam, there's no need to involve them.

Adam: Why do you pretend to care about these humans. Humans have done nothing but persecute us, torture us, humiliate us. They deserve nothing less.

Blake: Not all humans are like that, why can't you understand that?! We can coexist with humanity, there is a peaceful way to gain equality!

Adam: I don't want equality, I want faunus supremecy!

Blake: You only want destruction and it will be the end of you!

Adam: Maybe, but not before I end you for your treachery.

Grunt: *over intercom* BACKUP, WE NEED BACKUP!! WE NEE- ACK!

Adam: Well, well, sounds like someone came for you.*to security* Bring up security footage!

     The tv in the room turns on and all of us look and I see a familiar looking armored warrior.

Blake: (Y/n)?

Adam: So, you think not all humans are bad? Well, there your proof that we cannot coexist. But don't worry I'll put him out of his misery soon enough.

     He tries to kiss me, but I bite him. He reels back and backhands me across my face. We then hear over the intercom...

(Y/n): *intercom* Adam Taurus! I am here, in your base! Come and face me!

     Adam simply smirks and walks out, I look at the others, who have come to.

Blake: Girls, *coughs* are you alright?

Ruby: I'll be okay. You?

Blake: Hanging in there, (Y/n) is here in the base.

Yang: *looks at monitor* What's that symbol he's wearing on his cape?

     We all look and see a vaguely familiar symbol.

Weiss: It lools like a combination of all of our symbols rolled into one

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Weiss: It lools like a combination of all of our symbols rolled into one.

Ruby: Now that you say that, it does look like a mixture of us. You think that's what he wanted to show us?

Blake: Must be, my only concern is Adam is very powerful and ruthless, and (Y/n) hasn't even unlocked his Semblance yet.

Yang: Give 'em hell, honey!

(A/N): The battle everyone has been waiting for, is coming next time. So, stay tuned and place your bets!

Hope y'all enjoyed and have a great day. PEACE OUT!!!

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