December 25, 1993

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Six years later and Layla was sound asleep. No one knew about Layla's real family looking for her. Layla woke up to Alice walking in her room. "Merry Christmas." Alice said. Layla smiled as she laid back down and closed her eyes till the words Alice spoke dawned on her.

"Christmas!" Layla screamed out as she ran downstairs in her pajamas. She saw Emmett and hugged him. Emmett smiled at his little mate even when she kissed his cheek. "Merry Christmas, Emmy."

"Merry Christmas, Layla." He tells her. Layla squirmed out of Emmett's arms and into her parents, Rosalie and Stefan, and Jasper.
One by one, Layla opened her presents with a smile. Once she made it to the last one, she ran upstairs to her rooms to gather the presents she got them. She had a picture of all them and gave it to her parents. Next was Rosalie and Stefan, a painting she made of the two with her as a baby. Alice already had her's, sketchbook for her visions and outfit designs. Jasper got another set of war documentary books. Lastly, Emmett's. "I made this especially for you."

Emmett was shocked by the painting

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Emmett was shocked by the painting. He hugged Layla making her smile. "I love it."

"I'm glad." Layla tells him.

"I got you something." Emmett tells her. Layla looked at him than the present and gasped. She saw a beautiful bracelet and looked at Emmett.

"Thank you." She said hugging him. "I love it."

~~~Layla fell asleep in Emmett's arms as the others talked

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Layla fell asleep in Emmett's arms as the others talked. Emmett smiled as he saw Layla sound asleep. "I got her." Rosalie said. "Come here baby girl." Rosalie took a sleeping Layla up to her room as Emmett went back to listening.

"Layla hates going to school." Esme tells Carlisle.

"Why?" Carlisle asked.

"She told me that the kids call her a freak." Emmett tells them. He remembers Layla crying and telling him. He remembers wanting to strangle the teachers and students, but she refrained from doing so.

"We can homeschool." Emmett looked up. "Yes, Emmett?"

"I can stay with her." Emmett suggested.

"That would be great." Rosalie tells them. "Layla would want to be near Emmett. The older she gets, the stronger bond is built."

"They might be mate's, but that mate bond grows and eventually they start feeling pain due to the separation."  Stefan tells them. Everyone looked at him with a questioning look. "I read up on it."


"Than it's official, till Layla is seventeen she will be homeschooled as well as Emmett." Carlisle says. Emmett smiled as he couldn't wait to see Layla's reaction to the news will be.

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