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Layla went to Phoenix with her mate and father to help save Bella. Layla had a bad feeling that something eventually will happen. They arrived at the hotel, but Layla stayed in the car as she was getting her shoes on. She had this feeling that Bella wasn't there and went looking for her on her own without Emmett.

She went all the way to the ballet studio and heard a crash. "This is for Edward." She mumbled and ran in and attacked James.


Bella watched Layla and James fight. Layla maybe a Tribrid, but she wasn't strong just yet. James managed to get the upper hand and toss Layla into a beam knocking her unconscious. James than was attacked by Edward.
Emmett was in a panic after feeling like he was hit in the head. That told him that Layla was in trouble. "Is she okay, Alice?" Emmett asked.

"I can't see her. I think her magic is blocking me." Alive tells them. "We need to hurry before Layla gets killed."

Emmett faced the front as Stefan became worried for his sister.
Layla shifted into her wolf and growled as she made her way to James. Her fur was a dirty blonde color. Bella watched as Layla attacked again just to be tossed once more causing Layla to whimper in pain.

"Stop!" Bella tells him. "If you want me than you can have me. Leave Layla alone."

Edward looked at Bella shocked as Layla stood up and started chanting. James went to attack, but couldn't as Layla blocked him. "You bitch."

Layla glared as her hands were out and her chanting gotten louder. James knew she was a Tribrid and snapped her neck. "At least father dear isn't here." James said as he grabbed Bella. "That bitch is finally out,  but don't worry. She'll wake up soon and if she's anything like her father.. well let's just say she will be pissed."

Edward ran at him once James bit Bella. They started fighting when Emmett saw his mate laying on the ground unconscious. He attacked James making Edward stand in shock as well as the others till they saw Layla. Stefan even helped Jasper as Alice helped Carlisle and Edward before setting fire.
"Will she be okay?" Emmett asked.

Layla gasped as soon as she woke up. "My neck hurts."

"James managed to snap your neck."

Layla groaned in pain and looked at Emmett. "Can we go to our room?"

Emmett smiled as he kissed her. "Of course, but first you need to drink this."

They watched the two go upstairs so Layla can shower and go to bed. The others were relieved to see Layla was going to be just fine.
Prom night came real fast and Layla stood in front of her mirror admiring her prom dress. She had on the butterfly necklace that Emmett gave her the year before since it stands out with her dress.

"Layla, it's time for pictures." Rosalie said from behind her.


Emmett wanted to just stay home with his mate and a good football game. That was till he say how beautiful she looked and smiled. "You look beautiful, babe."

"You look rather handsome." She tells him as she kissed his cheek. "Ready to get tonight over?"

"Yes I am."
Layla smiled as she was dancing with Alice. Jasper and Emmett stood by watching their mates dance the night away. "I'm planning on asking Layla to marry me."

"That's amazing." Jasper tells him. "Picked out the ring yet."

"Not yet because I want the one that stands out the most. The perfect ring that will show my love for her and how much she means to me. Mate or not. I love Layla Hale."

They looked back at Alice and Layla and smiled. "I'll help."

Emmett nodded knowing that Jasper and Stefan will help find one that is perfect for Layla. Layla skipped over and grabbed his hands. "Come dance with me."

"Okay." He replies as he twirled her around onto the dance floor. The night couldn't have gotten any better.

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