July 4th, 1997

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Four years later, Layla is laying in bed as she was tired. She's been tired for a few days and no one seems to know why. Emmett was worried for his mate as he didn't know what was wrong. Layla woke up having to use the bathroom when she saw blood on the sheets. "Mom!"

Esme and Rosalie appeared in the room to see a scared girl. Alice walked between the two and hugged Layla as she knew what was wrong. "It's okay." Alice tells her.

"What's wrong?" Esme asked.

"Her first period." Alice tells them. Rosalie and Esme nodded as the three forgot about having one since they turned. "I bought things just for this occasion."
Layla sat in the living room watching tv as she waited for Emmett to come home. He told her he was getting fireworks than he was going to hunt. Well his gone hunting now with the boys. Layla smiled as she watched one of her favorites. "What are you watching?" Rosalie asked as she sat down beside Layla.

"Lion king." She tells her. "Why?"

"Well, I thought us girls can talk about crushes." Layla blushed as she didn't want to tell anyone that she liked Emmett.

"Um...okay." She replies.

"Mine is Stefan." Rosalie tells her. "Who's yours Layla?"

"Emmett." She mumbled, but Rosalie heard.

"Really?" Rosalie asked excitedly. Layla nodded. "Oh Layla, he likes you too. His waiting till your old enough to be his girlfriend."


"Yes, really." Rosalie tells her. "Why do you think he wanted to be homeschooled with you?" Layla shrugged not knowing. "He got tired of girls asking him out and even after they got rejected they still ask."

"Oh." She replies. "I never knew that."

"He loves you, Layla and he is patient with you because your almost at the age."

"Than I can go to school with you guys?" Layla asked.

"Til your Edward's age." Layla pouted making Rosalie laugh. "You don't have long and Emmett will start with you."
Layla sat outside with the others as she watched the fireworks. Emmett walked over to her and kissed her head. "Hi." She told him shyly.

"Enjoying the fireworks?" He asked.

"Yes." Layla replies. "Your here so I'm enjoying it." Emmett smiled as he pulled his mate in his lap. Layla laid her head on Emmett's chest as she watched the fireworks with him. After a few minutes, Layla was sound asleep on his chest.

"I love you my little my mate."

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