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Layla was still upset when they all arrived at school. Bella saw Layla and knew she needed to apologize for saying she's weak. She wondered what type of supernatural she was. Layla laughed at Alice when she brought up a shopping trip. They saw Bella and Edward making Layla walk away not having nothing to do with them.

"He's screwing up big time and I will not be apart of it." She mumbled. Edward heard what she said and knew an apology will not work. He will have to work for his apology. Layla Hale is a force to be reckon with.
Lunch came and it just showed that Edward was telling her everything. Layla started breathing heavily that something shockingly appeared on her face. Veins. Emmett hugged Layla close to him. "Let's get you home."

Layla nodded not feeling to good. She started hearing heartbeats and started crying. Jasper and Stefan followed them knowing something was wrong. Alice and Rosalie caught up to their mates, just to hear Layla crying. "What happened?"

"She's not feeling good and she had veins appear from anger." Jasper said. "She's something else and we need to get her home."

"It's lunch time."

"Not for food." Stefan replied. "She told us she can her the blood rushing and the heartbeats."

Rosalie was shocked and nodded as they quickly left. Alice started to see what is going to happen, but it's like Layla's magic was blocking her from seeing anything. Whatever is going on, they will be there to help their Layla.
Carlisle arrived after hearing the problem. He walked in to see every minus Edward and Layla. Layla was up in her's and Emmett's room asleep. "What happened?"

"She had veins appear on her face where she was upset and than the next crying."

Of all Carlisle's years, he hasn't ran into the other species of vampires. He walked to his office and grabbed a blood bag. "If I'm not correct, Layla is actually a Tribrid."

"What do you mean?"

"Vampire, werewolf, and witch."

Emmett was shocked and followed Carlisle. He wanted to be there for his mate. They walked in to see Layla still asleep. Carlisle laid the bag down. "Emmett, I want you to walk her through this, but something tells me that she isn't a vampire just yet."

Emmett had left a note for Layla as him and the boys went hunting. The girls were talking as the waited for Layla. Edward arrived and heard Esme's, Rosalie, and Alice's mind. "What's wrong with Layla?"

Out of no, Layla had Edward by the throat. "You come in here asking about me, but not once have you thought about your little sister. You know what I have to go through and you promised to never leave my side. Yet you have. Since that Isabella came here it's been about her. You abandoned me after you promised that you wouldn't." She tells him with tears and her veins underneath her eyes appeared. "Your lucky that I still claim your lying excuse of a brother."

Edward knew he screwed up. He broke his promise just so he can be around Bella, not once thinking of his promise. He looked at Layla who disappeared up to her room. He looked at the girls and knew they weren't to please with him. Edward sighed and walked to his room.


"I'll be in my room." Was all he said. All he wanted was to be with Layla and no one else. She needed him the most and he was going to be there. He walked in and smiled as she was sound asleep. "I'm here."

Layla smiled as she cuddled into him and felt a blanket wrap around her. She had Emmett, the one she knows won't ditch her. "I love you." She mumbled.

"I love you."

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