Chapter 2: The Gentlemen at Rosings Park

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Mr. Darcy was sitting in his study at his London house, going through the correspondence when he found a certain letter from his cousin, Anne. He frowned, for it was not usual than Anne wrote him. He was  cynnical and thus wasted no time in opening the letter. He almost gasped as he went through the contents repeatedly and scrupulously. He heard running footsteps from the staircase and not soon after the door of his study was opened. Georgiana stood before him, panting, though her eyes were shining and her cheeks flushed.

“Ady is at the Rosings Park,” she exclaimed, “and without any of us. Would you go to her rescue?”

Darcy laughed. “My dear, I just got a letter from Anne stating the same and also asking for coming to the rescue of the damsel. I am sure Richard would be happy to hear the news.”

The next few weeks passed in a blur for Adele. There was a routine that they would follow, dining with the de Bourghs twice a week and walking along her favourite path, the trial that followed the forget-me-nots and english roses, while others payed their visits to her ladyship and Elizabeth went to discover her own walking paths. The news was heard that Mr. Darcy was to come in a few weeks and her anticipation to see an old friend rather than a lover was great. She had loved him ever since, however, she needed a friend, someone who could talk and tease with her. While Elizabeth should have been enough, she knew nothing about what had transpired in the grounds of Rosings. 

When Mr. Darcy arrived, along with Colonel Fitzwilliam, Mr. Collins was walking the whole morning within view of the lodges opening into Hunsford Lane, in order to have the earliest assurance of it, and after making his bow as the carriage turned into the Park, hurried home with the great intelligence. On the following morning he hastened to Rosings to pay his respects. 

Darcy was sitting in the morning parlour of Rosings, sipping tea and contemplating an excuse as to go and see Adele. He was tired from the journey, however, the urge to see his love was greater and he couldn’t help it. The whole journey, his heels tapping the wooden floor of the carraige with antisipation and Richard making jests about his nerves did nothing to ease. 

The footman announced Mr. Collins arrival and it felt like a ray of hope just shined on him from the heavens. He did know how he could meet his love that day itself


To the great surprise of all the party, when Mr. Collins returned, the gentlemen accompanied him. Charlotte had seen them from her husband's room, crossing the road, and immediately running into the other, told the girls what an honour they might expect, adding: 

"I may thank you, Adele, for this piece of civility. Mr. Darcy would never have come so soon to wait upon me.”

“Why do you think he would ever call upon me?” Adele chuckled.

“Don’t be sly, my darling, I have seen how you interacted with that gentleman at the Netherfield Ball.”

Adele had scarcely time to disclaim all right to the observation, before their approach was announced by the door-bell, and shortly afterwards the three gentlemen entered the room. Colonel Fitzwilliam, who led the way, was about thirty, not handsome, but in person and address most truly the gentleman. 

“Richard, Fitzwilliam,” Adele exclaimed, overwhelmed by the nostalgia. She walked hastily to the two gentlemen and looked almost like she would embrace them, throwing all the propriety out for Lady Catherine. “Oh, how have I missed you both.”

The other four, namely Elizabeth, Maria, Charlotte and Mr. Collins, who had no knowledge of their friendship just watched the interaction in silence. Colonel Fitzwilliam, or Richard, smiled slightly and took both her hands in his, kissing them chastely as if to return the favour.  Mr. Darcy who was silent during the interaction shook hands with the lady and whispered, “Oh, you have no idea how much I feel exactly so.”

She smiled, knew exactly that this was the only outwardly reaction she was to get from her friend. She seemed to remember the occupants of the room and thus turned to them, smiling.

“This is Colonel Fitzwilliam,” she said introducing her friend, who bowed charmingly, “and you already know Mr. Darcy,” the said gentleman gave a curt nod as Adele turned to Richard.

She introduced Charlotte as Mrs. Collins, then Maria as Charlotte’s sister and then Elizabeth as her sister.

“Charmed to meet you,” was what Richard said as Elizabeth curtesied the gentlemen. Adele raised a brow and smiled secretly, realising how well they fit together. Both were lively like one another and were always the light of the company. 

When Mr. Darcy entered the room, he stopped breathing and the beats of his heart quickened. Standing right before him was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, Adele, with beautiful violet eyes that widened at the sight of Richard and him. He felt a satisfaction deep inside him as her eyes stopped at him for a moment before she came before them. 

He did not like how Richard kissed both her hands while he just shook them. Lord knows what he wanted to do to the maiden from the moment he entered the parlour. However, none could be done in front of people without getting them forced to marry on the morrow and he did not wanted to haste her into anything. She looked like a goddess amongst mere beings and lord, if he did not want to worship her all his life. 

The beaming smile he got from her the moment he told her how she missed him, certainly was enough to keep him alive for the day and more than worth the months of separation. 

He made a slight observation of the house and the gardens to Mrs. Collins, sat quietly. He knew if he spoke more than that, he may make a fool of himself in front of Adele and it was not something he desired. His cousin chatted merely and with the ease of a well bred man that he was. Darcy just sat and observed every curve of Adele’s lips and how her eyes lit up the room when she remembered something from the golden times and how her eyes moved between Miss Elizabeth and Richard as if weaving a secret. He sat across from her. 

Not able to control himself, he did inquire about her family’s health as lengths from Elizabeth as well as herself when his envy and civilty awakened together. 

Elizabeth answered him in the usual way, and after a moment's pause, added: 

"My second eldest sister has been in town these three months. Have you never happened to see her there?"

He noticed that even Adele’s eyes moved towards him and he frowned in confusion, he had not got even an inkling of her presence.

 He had never been so fortunate as to meet Miss Jane, he answered and saw how disappointed Adele looked. The subject was no farther pursued and left.

As the gentlemen stood up to leave, Adele went to see them off, forcing Elizabeth to go with her. Promises were made to meet at the morrow and to spend the day basking in the old times. Adele knew that as soon as they would be alone, Elizabeth would ask about the friendship.

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