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It was a Friday morning, which meant the weekend was tomorrow, but that didn't give Yeosang the resolve to wake up.

After snoozing his alarm five times consecutively, he decided that waking up is the inevitable and he shouldn't drag it out any longer. He forced himself out of bed, dragging his lazy bum into the shower.

"Yeosang, you're going to be late at this rate!" his mom called as he lazily brushed his teeth. "Brush your teeth faster!"

"Okay!" He called in response, the sound only a bit muffled by the toothbrush resting upon his tongue.

After he buttoned his uniform, he trudged down the stairs, ready to eat breakfast. His mother was already waiting down there, holding a plastic-wrapped sandwich in her right hand. She gave Yeosang a look.

"You're lucky I love you," she says, shoving the sandwich into her son's hands.

"You're supposed to," Yeosang smiles cheekily.

His mom rolled her eyes. "Go. Now. Or you'll be late."

Yeosang tied his shoelaces, waved his mother goodbye, and set off to school.

The smile on his face faded away.


"Come on, Yeo! You can do it! You can—AND HE DID IT, FOLKS." Yeosang's crazy best friend, Jung Wooyoung, whooped with delight as Yeosang managed to slip through the metal rungs before the security guard could shut the gate close. The guard glared at Yeosang hatefully, most likely annoyed that he didn't get a chance to give him a late ticket. Yeosang averted his gaze and swiped a hand over his sweaty brow as Wooyoung began chattering animatedly about some movie he watched with San and Mingi.

"The boy took so long to tell the girl that he was her secret admirer," Wooyoung complained. "He's been giving cupcakes to her for three years, and for that entire period he never thought of telling her about his feelings?"

"Honestly, that's something you would do," Yeosang mutters.

Wooyoung snorts. "Oh really?"

Yeosang was about to respond when a body smacked into him. He staggered, nearly losing his balance, but Wooyoung caught him in time.

"San! Be careful!" Wooyoung chastised.

"Sorry!" San apologized, jogging in place. "I need to be somewhere, quick. Talktoyoulater!" And he was off, crashing into more students.

Wooyoung shook his head. "Really, what is wrong with him today?"

Yeosang shrugged at Wooyoung. He didn't know why San was running around frantically either; however, he had a feeling that it had something to do with what today is.

Wooyoung hurriedly dragged Yeosang to homeroom class after he found out there was only three minutes before the bell will ring. As he continued talking about the movie ("The main character's best friend wanted to kill the love interest, we're lucky the directors didn't go that way."), their friends Jeong Yunho and Song Mingi entered the room and sat down in front of them.

"Where's San?" Yunho asked.

"No idea," Yeosang looked around. The bell was going to ring in less than a minute, and if he didn't arrive soon, he was going to be marked tardy.

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