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The next few days were quite uneventful. It was almost as if fate was giving Yeosang a rest after the shock of having traveled back in time, and is waiting for the right moment to rope him back into the world of bizarre. Even the magicians were silent. Yeosang was glad that a break was given to him—school wasn't exactly being nice at the moment (but then again, when is school nice to secondary students?). Yeosang had forgotten how hard tenth grade was, and was beginning to wish he remembered all the answers to the homework and quizzes and tests.

Drama class was Yeosang's only relaxing class. He and Wooyoung had already started on one of the sets, planning on sticking reused newspaper, tin cans, and plastic bottles on the sign as tree branches. It was hard to crumple the trash into a branch-like figure, especially with the cans.

"These are way too big," Wooyoung held up a purple soda can, the name of its brand ripped off and unreadable. "Is it possible to shrink this into a twig size?"

"Why didn't you get a smaller can?" Yeosang asked, rolling a three-month-old newspaper into a skinny cylinder and sticking it onto the sign.

"Thought these would be the right size," Wooyoung mumbled.

Yeosang stole a glance at the nervous actors, who were milling around on the seats while the backstage crew worked on the stage. Mr Yang had already posted the audition results outside, but didn't let the students see it until the end of the class to add suspense. He spotted Hyesoo and Yiren laughing about something, but even an old woman without her glasses could tell that their laughter was fake. Yeosang returned to rolling more newspapers into tree branches, while Wooyoung yelled at a freshman named Soobin for the glue gun.

As soon as the school bell rang, the students jumped out of their seats and simultaneously ran out of the auditorium, creating a thundering sound that must've given the impression that there was an earthquake occurring. Yeosang left the auditorium calmly, having already known the results. He joined Wooyoung and Yeonjun outside, who were jumping up and down to check them out over the sea of heads. Yeosang calmly looked on, remembering exactly the names written on the paper posted out there.

Drama Elective Cast

The Pevensie Children

Peter PevensieBoo Seungkwan

Susan PevensieSeo Hyesoo

Edward PevensieHwang Hyunjin

Lucy PevensieWang Yiren

"I knew Seungkwan got Peter!" Wooyoung yells. He swam across the crowd to look for Seungkwan. "Seungkwan! Seungkwan! Congratulations!"

Yeosang looked around for Hyesoo, itching to congratulate her. That itch vanished when he saw her chattering with Yiren excitedly, both girls elated for having caught the best roles among all the others. He smiled longingly at her, glad that she's happy but also missing being around her. He started walking back to Wooyoung and Yeonjun, but a suspicious movement caught his eye.

It was a girl Yeosang had never seen before. Her long hair was dyed a bright vermilion color, falling down onto her shoulders in rippling waves. He caught her giving Hyesoo the stink eye, and his eyes flitted back to the cast list.

In Narnia Characters

Mr TumnusLee Keonhee

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