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About a year ago

"Can you believe that we're sophomores already?" Wooyoung sighed as he walked towards the school with Yeosang, Yunho, Mingi and San trailing behind him.

"Next thing you know, we're seniors, about to graduate and struggle with finding the right college and part-time jobs," San sighed, staring at the sky with distant eyes.

"That's why we need to enjoy our school life to the fullest," Yunho points out.

"Yes!" Mingi exclaims. "Let's go to the arcade afterschool!"

"Actually, I meant that we should actually be doing homework more seriously instead—" The others began agreeing with Mingi, drowning Yunho's words. The tall boy sighs and shakes his head in defeat. "Oh well."

"Oh, by the way," San pointed to two students walking in front of them. "Who's that with Changbin?"

Yeosang glanced at their classmate, who was busy talking to a brown-haired girl. Changbin was pointing at various directions, as if giving the girl a tour.

"Oh, I saw her last year in the talent show," Wooyoung said. "I think she's Changbin's little sister."

At the mention of his name, Changbin turned around. His eyes seemed to light up as he saw the five boys, and grinned widely.

"Hey Woo!" He greeted. He patted the girl's shoulder, and she turned around. "Sis, these five boys are my classmates."

The girl bowed sheepishly, muttering a 'hi'. Yeosang and the others followed suit.

Wooyoung stepped forwards and shook her hand vigorously. "Hello, Changbin's sister! I'm Jung Wooyoung. What's your name?"

The girl smiled as she looked at Wooyoung, and that was the first time Yeosang saw her face clearly. Her eyes were the color of tree barks, a little lighter than her long chocolate hair. Her bright lips were the color of fresh strawberries.

She's beautiful, was the first thing Yeosang thought as she laid his eyes on her.

"Hi, Wooyoung," she greeted. "I'm Hyesoo. Seo Hyesoo."


"Are you feeling better, Yeosang?" Nurse Jang asked as Yeosang blinked awake.

"Wh-where am I?" He looked around frantically, worried that Changbin was nearby, ready to pounce on him like a lion awaiting an injured gazelle. There was a hand on his shoulder, and Yeosang whirled around to see a worried-looking San. His tense limbs relaxed, and he laid back on the pillow placed under his head.

"You sort of fainted," San explained. "So... I brought you here."

"You had a panic attack, sonny," Nurse Jang frowned. "You should stay here for the rest of the school day." He walked out of the infirmary, perhaps to get some medicine.

San bent down under the bed, and pulled out a container of food. "Here's your lunch. Wooyoung took it from your locker and asked me to bring it to you."

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