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The unusual began after drama class ended.

It started after Yeosang and his crew left English class, when Wooyoung realized Yunho, Mingi, and San did not choose drama as their elective.

"But why?" Wooyoung groaned. "We're doing Narnia!"

"Sorry," San beams, not looking sorry at all. "I joined that class last year. Also, we have the photography elective this year! I promised Jongho to be in it with him."

"And you two?" Wooyoung turned accusingly at Yunho and Mingi.

"Computer science!" Mingi declares proudly. "Hongjoong told me last year that we'll be making games at some point."

Yeosang's ears twitched. So that was where he heard the name before. He attends our school? I've never seen him around before.

Wooyoung made a few unintelligible sounds and turned around to face Yeosang, pointing at him accusingly. "You! What did you pick?"

"Drama," Yeosang answers. He had picked it because he heard Wooyoung was planning on taking it this year, and he didn't want to go to another elective class without his best friend in it.

Wooyoung looked positively elated. "Yippee! I got a friend with me," he cheers, strangling Yeosang in a bone-crushing hug and jumping around excitedly.

The boy choked and struggled to wriggle out of his grip. "Okay, stop that or I'm going to die of asphyxiation."

"You're not going die," Wooyoung waved Yeosang's worry off and linked their elbows together as he dragged Yeosang towards the auditorium. "Good luck with your elective classes!" he yells as he waved to the other three.

As Yeosang was dragged into the big building, he was hit with another realization—Hyesoo was also part of drama, and that meant he was going to see her often from then on. A feeling of excitement but also dread settled on his stomach, making him queasy. He struggled to calm himself as Wooyoung threw open the large double oak doors.

"Ah the sound!" Wooyoung's yell echoed in the building, surprising the students already seated on the audience chairs. Yeosang shrunk in embarrassment, while Wooyoung strode forward confidently with his head high. When he spotted two familiar people, he unlinked his elbows from Yeosang's.

"I didn't know Seungkwan and Yeonjun were also a part of this class!" Wooyoung ran over to his upperclassman and classmate. "Hello there!"

Yeosang sighed. Wooyoung is a really great friend, but sometimes his outgoing and loud personality bothers Yeosang, who's a bit more on the shy and quiet side. He forced himself to walk over next to Wooyoung and sit next to him, waiting for the terrifying moment when he has to introduce himself to Yeonjun and Seungkwan, who he didn't even know.

Luckily, he was spared that chance when the drama teacher walked up on the stage. Mr Yang was his name, and has been teaching in the school for twenty years. He was about fifty-three years old, but he still had the soul of a teenager. Everybody loved him.

"Hello class," Mr Yang looks around the room with a child-like smile. "I am glad to announce that everyone in this class has arrived on time, and as a reward you shall not be doing any actual work today." There were cheers at this, which caused Mr Yang to pause as he waited for the clapping to die down. When it did, he continued, "We shall be doing the play Narnia this year, taking up a whole semester. Serim here is distributing the script and a schedule on how things will go if according to plan." He gestured to a freshman Yeosang often saw hanging around with Jongho and some of his other classmates. "Right now I want you students to split up into two groups, one group of students planning to audition for the roles, and another group as backstage crew. That understood?"

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