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"Are you awake?" a gentle voice whispers.

Yeosang groaned softly, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Five more minutes, mom..."

"I'm not your mom," the voice answers shakily, as if the owner was trying not to laugh.

Yeosang jumped up from his seat and turned around to see Hyesoo, who was biting her lip in an attempt not to explode with laughter. He cleared his throat as he sat next to her again, nervous and slightly embarrassed.

"Sorry," he mumbles.

Hyesoo couldn't take it anymore. "It's fine," she giggled, unable to stop. Yeosang allowed a smile on his face, but it faded quickly when he remembered why they were in a veterinarian clinic. He looked around for a clock; it said 6.08 a.m..

"You're still here?" Yeosang questioned.

"It's alright," Hyesoo yawns, stretching her sore limbs. "I've already told Changbin and my father about where I am."

At Changbin's name, the nightmare flashed before Yeosang's eyes again. He saw Hyesoo's broken body in front of him, bruised and bloodied. He turned around to confirm that the real girl was still there, talking about her brother and father. He sighed.

Succeed in stopping Jinsoo's plan and you won't ever see that again.

"A-any news on my dog?" Yeosang asked, nervous for the reply.

"While you were sleeping, Doctor Kim—the veterinarian—reported that she has been poisoned," Hyesoo confirmed gravely, sending chills down Yeosang's spine. "She managed to stop the poison from completely failing her digestive system just in time."

"Oh, thank God," Yeosang leaned back, closing his eyes in relief. "Where... where's Bojung now?"

"She's still inside," Hyesoo returned something cold into Yeosang's hands. When he looked down, he saw that it was his cell phone. He turned to look at the girl, who grinned back sheepishly.

"Sorry, but I had to use your phone to call your parents; Doctor Kim asked me to. Also, what kind of idiot doesn't lock his phone?"

"Are you calling me an idiot?" Yeosang demands.

"No," Hyesoo deadpans. Yeosang gave her a look. "Yes. But why didn't you lock your phone? That's the most idiotic thing any person could do."

"I don't see the need to," Yeosang shrugs, twirling his phone in the air carelessly.

Hyesoo's arms shot out and pinned the hand he used to flip the phone around to Yeosang's lap. "Stop that! You're making me anxious," Hyesoo gulps.

"I'm not going to drop my phone," Yeosang laughs. "You can... uh, let go of my hands now."

"O-oh, sorry," Hyesoo pulled back her arms as quickly as she shot them out. "Anyway, your parents are dealing with the paperwork right now. Your sister went to get the dog—"

"So this is your girlfriend, Yeo-Yeo?" Yeohee popped out of thin air, Bojung and her cone running around her and tangling the leash. Yeosang fought the urge to facepalm as his sister nearly fell over from the knot the dog created.

"No, not girlfriend," Yeosang denied, stealing a glance at Hyesoo. Her face was bright red, but she also looked like she was going to spontaneously combust from laughter.

"Sureeeeee," Yeohee dragged out the word as long as she could, amused. She yanked the leash gently. "Come on, Bojung. We should leave these two lovebirds alone."

As soon as Yeohee left with the dog, Yeosang sighed and pinched his nose bridge. "Hyesoo, I'm sorry about my sister."

Hyesoo chuckled. "It's fine. Changbin does the same thing."

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