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Yeosang walked home with a full stomach, ending up eating more than just the nacho chips. Wooyoung, Yunho, and Mingi had a party with his team back at school, so he returned alone.

He kicked a stray pebble on the road onto the pavement. A cyclist passed by and rode over it, stumbling and nearly crashing into a tree. Yeosang winced and hurriedly walked away, hoping they didn't catch him.

He probably shouldn't have done that.

Shaking his head, he entered the safety of his housing complex. A lot of people lived there, so most of the houses' lights were on. Yeosang could see shadows of people studying, watching TV, eating, arguing, or simply milling around chattering with the people they live with. He continued walking down the red brick roads, but then stopped at an intersection.

For his whole life, Yeosang had lived in that same complex. About eight houses away from his home was a mini park where the inhabitants can use the playground, run around the track, or just hang out. As kids, Yeohee and Yeosang would hoard the only two swings the park had, swinging as hard as they could into the heavens. They would soar so high it was as if their feet touched the bright blue sky. It was their favorite thing on the playground until they grew old and lost interest.

On that same swing set was someone he least expected—Seo Hyesoo. But what made his stomach churn was the girl standing next to her, speaking to her in a seemingly calm manner. It was the same girl with the flaming red hair, the one who's name Yeosang wanted to know so badly.

He snuck behind a tree, close enough to hear but far enough to stay hidden. He thought that perhaps if he eavesdropped on the conversation long enough, her name will pop out at some point. He crouched down on his knees, straining to hear.

"What was that, huh?" the girl asked, not bothering to disguise the fury and disgust that lay under her voice. "That was the worst acting I've seen in my entire life. You kept breaking character halfway. It's a miracle for you how Mr Yang hasn't kicked you out of that role yet."

The blood in Yeosang's veins boiled, but he stayed silent.

"Shut up," Hyesoo answered, but her voice was cracking.

The girl lifted Hyesoo's chin up with her index finger, forcing her to look up at her eyes. The long nail dug into the skin. "You can't even hide the misery you feel inside. You know what I'm saying is right, don't you? So why bother hiding it?" The girl turned around and smiled to herself. "You mean absolutely nothing to people, Hyesoo. You're a nobody." She glanced back. "So stop pretending you matter."

"I said shut up," Hyesoo swallowed.

"Hey, don't forget," the girl lifted her hands, this time touching Hyesoo's neck with her long fingernails. They made their way into the girl's skin, drawing blood. Hyesoo pursed her lips tightly, as if she didn't want to release a sound that told the other girl that she was in pain. The Fire Haired girl seemed to notice, as her menacing grin grew. "If you don't watch your mouth, you know what I can do."

Hyesoo didn't say anything to that. The girl walked away, her heeled shoes clacking against the stone path. Yeosang swiftly moved to avoid detection as she walked out of the housing complex. A strange scent entered his nostrils as she walked by. A flowery smell. Roses. Poisonous roses.

Yeosang quickly dismissed the observation. When he was sure that she was gone, he looked back at Hyesoo.

She wasn't crying like she was back at the bench, but she did look rather miserable. Her bottom lip began to tremble. Knowing she'd feel embarrassed if he sees her crying, he quickly stepped out of his hiding place and strode out to meet her.

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