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Yeosang stayed in the hospital for about two more days, even though there was no need for him to stay there for that long. However, his parents insisted, to make sure that all of his bodily systems were functioning properly, so there was nothing he could do about it.

There was nothing he could do about seeing Jinsoo, either. The girl was part of their drama class, and not meeting her was inevitable. In the end, Yeosang decided to ignore the fact that she existed, not acknowledging her presence. And that seemed to suit Jinsoo just fine too, as her main focus was glaring at Hyesoo for no absolute reason anyway.

"Hey Yeosang, are you going to go anywhere during the term break?" Wooyoung asked as they packed their school things one last time, before a week of total bliss.

Yeosang shrugged his backpack onto his shoulders. "No, I don't think my family's planning anything. Why?"

"Do you want to come with my family to Jeju Island?" Wooyoung grinned. "It's a good place to escape to."

Yeosang rubbed his chin, thinking about it. After a few minutes, he shook his head.

"Honestly, no." Yeosang shrugged. "I prefer to stay at home in my comfy bedroom, thank you."

Wooyoung rolled his eyes, the big grin still plastered onto his face. "Whatever you say." He waved his friend goodbye as he rushed off, most likely to his last basketball practice before fall break.

Yeosang fixed his comfy jacket before walking out of the campus, lost in thought. He'd very much like to go on a trip with Wooyoung's family (which was how he spent his break in the original timeline), but he didn't think he wanted to be away from Seoul this time, especially with a rogue magician roaming around. Yeosang looked up into the cloudy skies and sighed, hoping that he had made the right decision.

"Is it finally fall break for you?" Yeohee demanded as soon as her eagle eyes spotted her brother. As always after school hours were over, she was sprawled all over the couch with a drama playing on the TV in front of her. To Yeosang's slight dismay, her attention wasn't focused on the screen.

"Yeah?" Yeosang arched a brow, suspicious.

Yeohee grinned. "Brilliant! Play Crazy Runner with me."


"But why?"

"I want to sleep," Yeosang answers simply. "I just had school."

"So did I!" Yeohee interjects. "I want to play now. Come on, Dad's not home so I'm only able to play right now."

"Let me take a nap and then I'll go play with you," Yeosang bargained.

Yeohee rolled her eyes and grumpily glared at the couple staring into each other's eyes at the screen. "Fine. One hour."

"And thirty minutes?"


As Yeosang ascended the stairs, he observed the kissing couple. "You know, maybe the reason why you don't have a boyfriend yet is because you keep cooping yourself in the house and not even trying to find someone out there."

Yeohee threw her slipper, aiming it at Yeosang's face. "You little—"

Yeosang ducked and dashed up the stairs, laughing like a madman. He dropped his backpack at the door and plopped onto the bed, falling asleep almost instantly.


It was as vivid as the day it happened.

Horrified screams and hysterical wails filled the air. Yeosang looked around at the auditorium filled with cast and backstage crew members, all whose faces were painted with confusion.

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