Chapter 3 - Old friends to New friends

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 I'm actually surprised I didn't even see it earlier; it was probably hiding in plain sight. I walk out the restroom and can still see Mai walking back down to our seats. As I take the same seat as before Mai scowls at me for a second, turns to the stage and smiles. The fact that she's having an attitude over something I personally spent a fortune on for the both of us to enjoy; it’s really a pain in the ass. I just try to enjoy the rest of the concert in peace. Five minutes later Harry says to the audience, "Thank you so much for coming, we love you!" So much for trying to enjoy the rest... As they walk off stage I remember about the back stage pass. I run to the door that has a small sign above it stating "Back Stage" I walk in and see a line of girls with smiles on there faces and little notebooks for the band to sign. I had to be the 14th girl in line... I had to be late because there was no one behind me already.

 My mind was clear from Mai, and she was my ride home. I lean my head left and right trying to find One Direction's beautiful faces. I see Harry and his dimples drawing smiles all over the room. I look for my camera in my left pocket.... Its not there! Ugh. Not again, I've been losing everything today, and its annoying. Im about tenth in line now; I need that camera. My phone is ringing, I take it out my hand bag and notice that its Mai.

"Hello." I say to answer the phone.

"Dude, you left your camera by your seat when we came back from the restroom, I have it with me." She explains. 

"Damn it, I need that. Well thanks for picking it up for me." I tell her.

"You’re.... not welcome. Haha just kidding but yeah sure what ever. Where are you?" She says.

"Ohh I was just... looking for something, " I didn't tell her that I found the pass. I'll just lie. "I'll be there in a minute. Bye."

 I'm now only four people behind from meeting them face to face. Why couldn't Mai have just given me the camera before I walked through that door? She was right behind me the entire time. I'm next... My heart is pumping fast and I can see all 5 of them. They're so cute! Yet I don't know what I'm going to do when I get to them. Just say hi, give them a hug and walk away? How stupid. 

"Hey, thanks for coming out to see us tonight." Louis says with his extremely attractive eyes. 

"Ohh, you’re welcome." I say while smiling and shaking. I'm way too nervous.

"So you want to take a picture, or autograph?" Liam asks.

 "Ohh I don't have my camera with me, and nothing for you to sign... I guess I'll just say hi? haha." I felt so out of it. It was almost a waste of their time, and my own.

My eyes came across these soft ocean blue eyes with a spark of light and lust in them. "Ohh that’s alright, I’ll use my phone to take the picture then send it to you." Says Niall.

I laugh, he was sneaking his way into getting my number!? I was so happy. "Ohh okay," I say while giving him my number. I really couldn't believe this, too good to be true! I wonder If he'll really use it and really talk to me.

"Everyone say cheese!" says one of the security guards, taking the picture.

"Just don't forget to send it to me okay?" I tell him while blushing.

"Don't worry, I won't forget about a pretty face." He replies with an intoxicating smile.

"Okay. I won't forget any of you guys' pretty faces." I say while winking to the rest of those gorgeous boys.

 They laugh. I walk out the door with my back stage pass, yet its a bit of a struggle because teenage girls are screaming and scrambling their way to trying to get through the door. As I squeeze past the crazed fan girls and make my way to the exit. The cool breeze flows across my lips, causing a slight chill down my spin. Thats when I noticed I had a smile on my face. I feel so grateful for that girl giving me the ticket. Not to mention how I was really going to give it up to Mai. My happiness began to over flow.. So I screamed. With my hands in fists and my eyes shut tight... and my voice was louder and reaching its breaking point. It had to be at least 40 seconds before my lips began to close. Mai... I've got to find her, and get back home some how. I call her on my cell. 

"Hello." she answers.

"I'm in the back parking lot, where are you?" I ask.

"Ohh I left about 10 minutes ago...." She answers, while having her voice fade.

"What?! Why didn't you wait for me?" I start to raise my voice.

"Well... you were taking too long, its 50 degrees outside and the heater in my car wasn't working so-I left." Her attitude is showing again. Annoying.

"Ugh. Whatever, thanks for taking me anyway. “I say, just to hide my anger and irritation.

"Yeah." was the last thing she said before hanging up. 

Why was she being so... so... bitchy? Ever since we left the bathroom she wanted to roll her eyes and be stupid. The only nice thing she did was get my camera for me... Looks like she's just another old friend and I got One Direction(maybe.. one day) my new friends. Okay so now what do I do? I look across the street trying to find a telephone for a taxi or something. I would call my mom but she's probably asleep by now. I see a phone booth. I walk towards the edge of the parking lot noticing that there is still a lot of cars here... there must be an after show or something. I'm at the side walk. No cars are found; so I walk to the phone booth about 4 yards away. Burr its so cold out here and I only have on a small sweater. I better get someone to take me home. I think to myself.

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