Chapter 4 - Dream Come True

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I step inside the booth; it smelt like old food and there were dust and spider webs everywhere. I notice there’s a phonebook beneath my feet; I move and pick it up while turning it to the page of any taxi numbers. I find one for my area, so I take out my phone and dial the number... It's not ringing. I take my phone off my ear and see that my phone died. Ugh. I look at the telephone in front of me connected to the wall of the booth. The wire is cut. How did this night go from best, to worst? All of a sudden I see car lights in the distance turn on. So I walk outside to see who it is; it better be Mai since she ditched me.

I focus my eyes a bit and see that its a huge truck; or maybe a bus? *Snap* what the hell was that? I ask myself as turning my head to see where the noise came from. It was nothing but bushes surrounding an abandoned building. I start to walk towards the car lights; so if its a person they'll be known by witnesses (I heard it on a movie). *crackle* There it goes again! I think. Is there someone following me or what? I begin to walk a bit faster yet ignoring everything but those bushes. I put my hands into fists and start breathing harder through my mouth. The cool mist flowing through my lips from the cold air begins to double in speed... I'm running. *crack, crinkle, snip.* Who or what ever that noise is coming from is following me. *Thump!* I fall on floor and so do my glasses. I slam the back of my head against the pavement.

"Ouch!" I squeak out.

I hear foot steps coming close.

"Ohh I'm so sorry. Here let me help you." Says a guy; he has a familiar voice but I can't tell who it is, my eyes are going crazy without my glasses.

The blurred hand gives me my glasses. "Thanks." I say while putting my glasses back on.

I second my fuzzy vision goes clear; I realize I'm gazing into sparkling blue eyes. It's Niall.

"Are you all right?" He says while offering a hand. I take his warm firm hand, I never wanted to let it go; but I didn't have to, because he let go the second after I was standing on my two feet.

"Niall? Ohh I mean yes, I'm all right. Where did you come from?" I ask as i stare deeply into his eyes. They sparkled so softly from the moon light.

"My tour bus is across the street. I was looking outside and saw you running... Why were you running anyway?" he asks me. I guess he really cares.

"I heard someone following me..." I point to the bushes to the right of us.

"Ohh, let me see." He says while putting both of his hands out to the bushes. He walks through them looking down from left to right. *Growl* something jumps out from the bushes on its four legs, a dog. "Ahh!" shouts Niall. He falls back and lands on his butt. The dog lands on his stomach then runs off barking. I help him up; "Whoa, are you okay?" I ask. He stands up brushing his pants off.

"Yeah, was that the guy coming for you? Haha." He says with a chuckle.

"Haha yeah I guess so," there’s a moment of no one speaking. We're looking into each others eyes; both of us wearing a smile on our faces. "Thanks for looking out for me." I say to break the silence.

"No problem, I'm happy to help." He leans in closer, puckering his lips and closing his eyes. I lean in forward as well, feeling the warmth of his lips against mine. He puts his hand on my cheeks

"Niall!" Someone yells from the window in the bus. Niall leans back from me, and turns to the window. 

"I was kind of busy Louis!" He shouts back; to Louis apparently.

"Sorry bro but we have to get back to the hotel." Louis says.

Niall nods his head in agreement. "Well then, would you like to go with me back to the hotel miss... miss... what’s your name again? Haha I'm sorry; that should have been the first thing I asked you."

"Haha Its okay. My name is Rosario, you can call me Rose." I say. And he is right; he should have asked my name... But I don’t care, he just kissed me! That definitly made me accept  his apology.

"So.. Miss Rose, would you like to come with me?" He asks with his hand out waiting for mine.

"Of course." I say with a smile. I take a moment to think about today. Why did Niall pick me? Why did he choose to kiss me? Does he do this with all of his fan girls? It was just becoming too hard to believe. I take his hand; but my smile begins to fade. He walks with me across the street with his hand locked to mine. Yet those questions were still haunting me, whether we were holding hands or not. I was happy yet still confused. All of my life I've been the girl in the background, the ugly one, the nerd, or even the freak. And now all of sudden a super star comes kissing me? I have to ask him why, why he wanted me. Anytime I could. We had to be alone, and within privacy. I just want answers.

 We walk up the three steps into the bus. "Hey guys, this is Rose." Niall says to introduce me. I just smile and wave.

"Ohh you’re that one girl without the camera. I knew Niall was in to you by the way he looked at you." says Zayn with a short laugh. I thought of Mai the second I saw him.

"Ohh yeah, that was way too obvious... Didn't you notice?" Liam asks.

"Not a clue." I say with a giggle.

"I bet. She wouldn't understand our brother love aha.” Says Harry. "But this is the same way I met Haley." 

"Haley is Harry's girlfriend." Niall tells me.

"Yeah, except with her and I Louis didn't ruin the moment haha." We all laugh. I'm only laughing because it's true. Louis did kind of... interrupt.

"Well gee; don't have to put me out there in front of Rose... Its embarrassing." Says Louis in a silly sarcastic tone. I giggle again.

 Niall pulls my hand and takes me towards the back of the bus. "We'll be right back." he tells them.

He shows me his own little room. This bus is bigger than I thought! It had a small bed and luggage everywhere."Sorry for the mess." He says to me. Our hands our still together as he shuts the door curtain to his room behind him. We sit on the bed. 

"Look, I know what youre thinking. 'Does he do this with every girl he sees?' I just want to let you know that the answer is no. " Looks like he answered my question. I think to myself. "The reason I kissed you is because.. well I just have never seen someone with your beauty before. You just seemed different from all the other girls; as if your one of a kind."

I stare at him with such focus. Then say, "Thank you, for what you said. You were right; I was thinking that."

Reminiscences(Niall Horan FanFic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now