Reminiscences: (Niall Horan FanFic)

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~Short Prologue~

Okay, so I bought tickets for Mai and I about 2 months ago for One Direction. (2 months later)Its her birthday today and so is the concert. She's extremely excited and were standing in front of the red carpet where they will be entering. After that, Mai does some pretty fucked up stuff. Then it gets better.. then worse.. and so on. But keep in mind; Mai can be a total bitch.


"Wow, I can't believe were really going to see them at a concert!" Mai shouts to me.

"I know! But we must act cool. No screaming when they come close. Okay?" I tell her.

"Ugh, alright." She agrees with a slight attitude. I smile and so does she.

 There's screaming fans everywhere and One Direction hasn't even shown up yet.. Me and Mai, my best friend, are outside with our hands tightly locked to the red rope up to our hips that blocks any fans from getting too close. Ive been here since morning and it's barely going on eight. My glasses are getting foggy from the cold of the autumn breeze, and my toes feel frozen solid. It's got to be at least below 50 degrees by now. I turn to Mai, watching her face gaze at the spot where the limo should be pulling up. She has nothing but red cheeks and a huge smile on her face. 

 The limo. It's here! The minute I see the hood of the car pull up I immediately turn on my camera thats been safe in my left pocket. Mai begins jumping up and down with her mouth in position to yell her and my own ear drums out... But she doesn't scream. The driver comes out to open the door for them. The crazy fan girls go crazy (obviously). I know for sure I won't even be able to hear One Direction sing by the time I walk in the building. Someone is coming out. Liam. He's the first, with a smile and his soft brown eyes fill the entire crowd with screams. Someone else is coming. Zayn, he's the second. And Mai's favorite... Great. 

"Ahhhhh! I love you Zayn! Marry me!" Mai chants multiple times while I fling my camera around taking pictures of whatever I can get.

He was always too much of a pretty boy for me. Too good looking. The next person comes out, Louis. His greenish blue eyes always caught mine. So beautiful. Now, Harry... The flirty fun one; thats extremely cute. Then, absolute best for last comes out the limo. Niall Horan. My favorite. His accent always made the red rush to my cheeks; even though he hasn't even talked directly to me. His silky blond hair always caught my eye. Just not as much as his light ocean blue eyes. I never thought I would ever see him in person... But here I am and there he is. I take a picture and notice I missed him but an inch. They all wave and begin to walk into the two big black doors.

"Wait, Please!" I shout to them. None of them heard me... "Wait, I just want a picture! Please."

Then, Niall turns to me. His smile couldn’t have been dreamier. His eyes meet mine and then he walks straight to me. "Sure." I was speechless; yet I still managed to get some words out "Thank you." He puts his arm around my waist and as do I to him. My heart never pumped this fast. I get my camera in the other hand and take the picture. "Enjoy the concert!" He shouts while catching up to the rest of his crew. I turn to Mai; I laugh. She had the blankest expression on her face of disbelief that what happened... Just happened.

-Time Skip

Mai and I are standing front row and couldn't be more excited. Everyone one behind us is chanting "One D, One D!" and it's extremely annoying because theyre sitting in a chair to see them in concert but they still want to be pushy. While I take photos, Mai is literally dead staring at the stage with a smile. I know I made her birthday present the best she ever had. I'm proud of myself. I also couldn't  believe I was actually here either. I never even heard of One Direction until Mai told me about them. But I'm glad she did. Zayn was my favorite at first as well, but that was only because she was. Only until I really saw Niall. I was always a sucker for blondes’, especially when they have blue eyes. I closed my eyes for a minute or two; just to really sink in the moment. All of a sudden I seem to hear a couple arguing.

"I've had enough of you!" a girl shouts behind me... she looks around 18, my age. 

"Babe, what the hell!? Just chill out, you should be happy I wasted my money on these tickets for you! Even the fucking back stage pass!" A guy shouts that looks around 20. 

"I don’t care if you bought me ticket to go around the world in back! You came here just to flirt with other girls, I saw you!" She shouts to him while walking towards my aisle. 

"Here, take it." She says to me handing me the back stage pass. 

"Wow, I dont know what to say..." I tell her with a smile. 

"You don't have to, my boyfriends just being a dick." I laugh, and she walks out the door to the back as her boyfriend follows. 

Once again, Mai is looking at me with her eyes squinting as if trying to get a better focus with her eyes. "Really? It's my birthday but youre the lucky one?!"

I laugh again and say, "Do you want the pass?"

"Yes!" she yells, "But I want you to keep it... she gave it to you anyway." She smiles.

"Thanks." I say. And I couldn't be happier. Not to mention surprised.. It was almost too much of a coincidence. As if it were really meant to be... Or the ticket is a fake; which is why she gave it away to some stranger in the first place. I'll just go backstage after the concert rather than before because I'm sure girls are already back there drooling.

Reminiscences(Niall Horan FanFic) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now